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The models that I have always pushed to the limit

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The models that I have always pushed to the limit - Page 4 Empty Re: The models that I have always pushed to the limit

Post by Luigi 70 Mon 2 Mar - 20:42

siiiiiii Marie, conosco quel modello...
eccellente rendering Wink
Luigi 70
Luigi 70
Grand Prix Winner
Grand Prix Winner

Messages : 1576
Date d'inscription : 2014-09-22
Age : 54
Localisation : Naples

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The models that I have always pushed to the limit - Page 4 Empty Re: The models that I have always pushed to the limit

Post by De Lacrowe Tue 3 Mar - 17:02

The models that I have always pushed to the limit - Page 4 Kopia_11
De Lacrowe
De Lacrowe
Grand Prix Winner
Grand Prix Winner

Messages : 1011
Date d'inscription : 2015-01-14
Age : 45
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The models that I have always pushed to the limit - Page 4 Empty Re: The models that I have always pushed to the limit

Post by De Lacrowe Fri 13 Mar - 15:30

The models that I have always pushed to the limit - Page 4 Tumblr-m4nbjp-Dhou1r0vna3o5-r2-500 The models that I have always pushed to the limit - Page 4 7162136f989da5d1d4c536774a817bf5

Red Alert

Stay at a safe distance

I never thought that one day I would be prevented from hugging a boy
yet that day has sadly arrived
I think a slap on my face would have caused me much less pain
I am experiencing a bad nightmare from which I cannot wake up despite all my efforts
I think I have always given little value to every daily gesture unaware that one day everything would have been denied me

... don't leave home

There is not only the isolation from the world that scares me but all these hours that I spend inside my room seem endless to me
The hands of my life are oriented towards infinity in that space-time that my body had never found before
From the room I can keep the window open letting in the sound of the wind
it is almost imperceptible noise but these days it seems to have conquered the whole house

I find myself sharing my melancholy in those who read all this
or perhaps for those few who have come to this point
Nobody is immortal or is sure enough to be
Destiny does not speak my language although I have tried several times to question it
maybe he became deaf because I closed in on myself too many times now
Everything has stopped like never before or I have stopped my life

Stare a debita distanza

Non avrei mai pensato che un giorno mi sarebbe stato impedito di abbracciare un ragazzo
eppure quel giorno è tristemente arrivato
Penso che uno schiaffo sul mio viso mi avrebbe procurato un dolore decisamente minore
mi trovo a vivere un brutto incubo dal quale non riesco a svegliarmi nonostante ogni mio sforzo
Ritengo di aver sempre dato poco valore ad ogni gesto quotidiano inconsapevole che un giorno ogni cosa mi sarebbe stata negata

... non uscire di casa

Non c'è solo l'isolamento dal mondo che mi spaventa ma tutte queste ore che trascorro all'interno della mia stanza mi sembrano infinite
Le lancette della mia vita sono orientate verso l'infinito in quello spazio tempo che mai il mio corpo si era trovato prima d'ora
Dalla stanza posso matenere la finestra aperta lasciando entrare il suono del vento
è un rumore quasi impercettibile ma in questi giorni sembra proprio aver conquistato l'intera casa

Mi trovo a condividere la mia malinconia in coloro che leggeranno tutto questo
o forse per quei pochi che saranno giunti a questo punto
Nessuno è immortale o è tanto sicuro da esserlo
Il destino non parla la mia lingua sebbene io ho provato più volte ad interpellarlo
forse è diventato sordo perchè mi sono chiusa in me stessa ormai troppe volte
Ogni cosa si è fermata come mai aveva fatto prima oppure sono io ad aver fermato la mia vita
De Lacrowe
De Lacrowe
Grand Prix Winner
Grand Prix Winner

Messages : 1011
Date d'inscription : 2015-01-14
Age : 45
Localisation : Italy

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The models that I have always pushed to the limit - Page 4 Empty Re: The models that I have always pushed to the limit

Post by Luigi 70 Sat 14 Mar - 12:55

È complicato spiegarti il significato, la traduzione non gli renderebbe giustizia.... scratch
Cmq  forza...adda passà 'a nuttata... Very Happy
Luigi 70
Luigi 70
Grand Prix Winner
Grand Prix Winner

Messages : 1576
Date d'inscription : 2014-09-22
Age : 54
Localisation : Naples

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The models that I have always pushed to the limit - Page 4 Empty Re: The models that I have always pushed to the limit

Post by De Lacrowe Sun 15 Mar - 10:38

Una canzone esprime sempre un messaggio rivolto ad un contesto preciso, in questo caso il dialetto penalizza la comprensione delle parole anche se credo che in fondo sia il gesto che conta più che la sua forma. Il timore di non poterne uscire da questa situazione mi crea un vero sconforto, e ciò accade a molte persone che come me non vedono un gran futuro.
De Lacrowe
De Lacrowe
Grand Prix Winner
Grand Prix Winner

Messages : 1011
Date d'inscription : 2015-01-14
Age : 45
Localisation : Italy

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The models that I have always pushed to the limit - Page 4 Empty Re: The models that I have always pushed to the limit

Post by De Lacrowe Thu 28 May - 20:26

The models that I have always pushed to the limit - Page 4 Light-10
The models that I have always pushed to the limit - Page 4 Light-12
The models that I have always pushed to the limit - Page 4 Light-11

Historical remembrances

Sometimes it happens that a team can change sponsors between one grandprix and another, but perhaps I never really understood the reason to change color to a sponsor so famous that among other things it does not give it a canary yellow tint at all. Among the information that I have collected, all in all, this sort of semi-yellow car is understood only by the Phyllian Rosberg.
De Lacrowe
De Lacrowe
Grand Prix Winner
Grand Prix Winner

Messages : 1011
Date d'inscription : 2015-01-14
Age : 45
Localisation : Italy

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The models that I have always pushed to the limit - Page 4 Empty Re: The models that I have always pushed to the limit

Post by De Lacrowe Sun 14 Jun - 14:59

The models that I have always pushed to the limit - Page 4 76rd10

Le temps voyage indépendamment de chaque point, nous pouvons l'observer
De Lacrowe
De Lacrowe
Grand Prix Winner
Grand Prix Winner

Messages : 1011
Date d'inscription : 2015-01-14
Age : 45
Localisation : Italy

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The models that I have always pushed to the limit - Page 4 Empty Re: The models that I have always pushed to the limit

Post by De Lacrowe Tue 16 Jun - 22:44

The models that I have always pushed to the limit - Page 4 Rega_c10

... the virtuareality mix
De Lacrowe
De Lacrowe
Grand Prix Winner
Grand Prix Winner

Messages : 1011
Date d'inscription : 2015-01-14
Age : 45
Localisation : Italy

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The models that I have always pushed to the limit - Page 4 Empty Re: The models that I have always pushed to the limit

Post by Luigi 70 Wed 17 Jun - 20:22

Great render, BRAVA!!! Very Happy
Luigi 70
Luigi 70
Grand Prix Winner
Grand Prix Winner

Messages : 1576
Date d'inscription : 2014-09-22
Age : 54
Localisation : Naples

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The models that I have always pushed to the limit - Page 4 Empty Re: The models that I have always pushed to the limit

Post by De Lacrowe Thu 18 Jun - 9:46

Ti ringrazio molto per le tue parole che sono sempre sincere verso di me e mi piacerebbe dedicarti un degno rendering quando sarà disponibile per tua Schkee DB1 Chevy che recentemente hai creato per le competizioni Can-Am series. Grazie e buona giornata di sole.
De Lacrowe
De Lacrowe
Grand Prix Winner
Grand Prix Winner

Messages : 1011
Date d'inscription : 2015-01-14
Age : 45
Localisation : Italy

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The models that I have always pushed to the limit - Page 4 Empty Re: The models that I have always pushed to the limit

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