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Constrictor Modding Team Mods [DOWNLOAD REPOSITORY]

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Constrictor Modding Team Mods [DOWNLOAD REPOSITORY] Empty Constrictor Modding Team Mods [DOWNLOAD REPOSITORY]

Post by Cristian Luis Tue 11 Oct 2022 - 14:57

"Constrictor Modding Team is an Spanish-speaking group of modders formed by professional engineers, Formula One fans and sim-racing enthusiasts (sometimes all together!). The team was founded in Venezuela in 2017, orgininally by three members: Francisco Torrealba, Carlos Campos Castillo (me) and José Daniél Arévalo Hernández, all from Venezuela. Then Cristian Antonio Luis Campoy, Fabián Vásquez Quintero, Sergio Nicolás Masía, Rafael Alonso Campos, Daniel Alfonso Siso and Francisco Yebra Ferro joined us during 2018, and thanks to all their collective dedicated effort we grow massively until having almost about 100 modders at our peak between members, collaborators and volunteers for CMT 2020. Our main members are from Venezuela, Spain, Colombia and Argentina.

Our aim is to produce all the Formula One seasons as close to reality as we can within our and F-1 Challenge '99-'02s possibilities with guaranteed uniform quality assurance, adapting every single area of game design to F1C's standards. All cars have new physics and sounds, along with extensive textures, 3D modifications and design personality on backgrounds, menus, icons and displays. Depending of the season, we have also included some unraced F-1 cars. Our way of developing mods can be considered professional, since our works allowed one of our main members to work for an international videogame company (under permanent/indefinite job contract conditions) without having professional experience, university degree or programming background. Most of our team is made of engineers, and the man who supervises the Physics has a Ph.D. in that area of study. Of course, this does not spare us from making very serious (physics) design flaws when we fail!In light of the physics developments, older setups will no longer work as expected. Physics, user experience, gameplay and faithfully season representation are our strongest points. Historical researches to update the models are at our project’s foundation."

-Carlos Campos Jr.-

Here is the collection of mods available from Carlos Campos. Still a long WIP.

Please, call these mods as they appear:

Older mods:

2020 CMT FINAL DEMO A: https://drive.google.com/u/0/uc?id=1Aelv84QKK4frMs-eTrOdjW1WkuwHRdCR
2020 CMT FINAL DEMO B: https://drive.google.com/u/0/uc?id=1FF8kdIHl6haaMs3cFWrU2iTcTi2tjikr
2023 CMT V1.2a Basic: https://drive.usercontent.google.com/download?id=1yIB_1w980gYdXk8vB_aIFmw5Runbus3W
2024 CMT Basic: https://drive.usercontent.google.com/download?id=1EgSuKIQszHUrEw-5274-aCrn6dQtE9Mw

Install and play! (No need to run with Compatibility modes)

Exclamation Bugs due to 8th gear: Exclamation
-2014-202X mods supports only 25% race distance or lower.
-If using manual gears, it is recommended to change from 7th to 8th gear when the revs are at its highest.

WARNING: If you want long races or races with pitstops of any season of the hybrid era mods, please ignore this work and search for other mods

Disclaimer: mods are not updated to the rhythm of CMT. For more information about the group, visit their Facebook website.


Last edited by Cristian Luis on Sat 22 Jun 2024 - 23:49; edited 3 times in total
Cristian Luis
Cristian Luis
F1 Driver
F1 Driver

Messages : 653
Date d'inscription : 2014-12-26


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