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1980 Ram FW07 with Cogan Rainbow Jeans car

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1980 Ram FW07 with Cogan Rainbow Jeans car Empty 1980 Ram FW07 with Cogan Rainbow Jeans car

Post by neiln Sun 7 Apr - 22:25

I've uploaded a new team folder for the 1980 RAM, which now includes Kevin Cogan's nonqualifying Rainbow Jeans car that appeared at Montreal. I discovered that there is already a Cogan .rcd (driver) file in the original mod, so this is all you need. Since I spent some time on this I thought I'd create a new post rather than bury it at the end of the 1980 race-by-race thread where this car was originally requested. If the forum, as it did with earlier seasons, does not allow the full link to be posted and the link gets hijacked by Adfly, paste the link into the address bar of your browser.


1980 Ram FW07 with Cogan Rainbow Jeans car Cogan_10[/url]

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Date d'inscription : 2015-01-11

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1980 Ram FW07 with Cogan Rainbow Jeans car Empty Re: 1980 Ram FW07 with Cogan Rainbow Jeans car

Post by cecelo Thu 11 Apr - 21:16

Thanks Neiln, it was perfect. Cool Cool Cool
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1980 Ram FW07 with Cogan Rainbow Jeans car Empty Re: 1980 Ram FW07 with Cogan Rainbow Jeans car

Post by neiln Fri 12 Apr - 0:39

You're welcome. I almost did it all by cutting-and-pasting in Photoshop, but then I hit the stripes and got into some serious remapping. I figured out a new trick in zmod in the process, so doing this turned out to be very worthwhile; I'm glad you got me into it.

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Date d'inscription : 2015-01-11

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1980 Ram FW07 with Cogan Rainbow Jeans car Empty Re: 1980 Ram FW07 with Cogan Rainbow Jeans car

Post by De Lacrowe Fri 12 Apr - 9:41

Can I have a detail on the trick you discovered using zmodeler ?
I have been using it for a long time, but I am self-taught and therefore some help can be very useful
De Lacrowe
De Lacrowe
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1980 Ram FW07 with Cogan Rainbow Jeans car Empty Re: 1980 Ram FW07 with Cogan Rainbow Jeans car

Post by cecelo Sat 13 Apr - 20:59

Hi De Lacrowe, one question: Do you know if there is a specific zmodeler video that teaches you how to map wheels and also map tires? Neutral Neutral Neutral
I already searched but didn't find anything specific about these two topics. I would like to learn how to do this, even though they are two boring things to do. Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes At least that's what I see in the reports of those who do it. Cool Cool Cool
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Date d'inscription : 2017-01-08
Age : 51

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1980 Ram FW07 with Cogan Rainbow Jeans car Empty Re: 1980 Ram FW07 with Cogan Rainbow Jeans car

Post by De Lacrowe Sat 13 Apr - 22:57

De Lacrowe
De Lacrowe
Grand Prix Winner
Grand Prix Winner

Messages : 1031
Date d'inscription : 2015-01-14
Localisation : Italy

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1980 Ram FW07 with Cogan Rainbow Jeans car Empty Re: 1980 Ram FW07 with Cogan Rainbow Jeans car

Post by neiln Sun 14 Apr - 22:14

De Lacrowe: In the UV Mapper I had scaled the long row of faces that were going to bear the stripes to fit the stripes on the texture, and the result was a distorted mess. Then I rotated the faces in the Y axis, which created a much larger set of faces that I had to scale again, and when I moved them on to the stripes in the livery everything was perfectly straight. In general, the big discovery (for me, at least) that I made some time ago was that you can work in the UV Mapper just like you do with the physical model--moving and aligning individual vertices, often into highly distorted shapes that look perfect on the .mts file you're working on. I hope that makes sense.

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Competition racer

Messages : 157
Date d'inscription : 2015-01-11

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1980 Ram FW07 with Cogan Rainbow Jeans car Empty Re: 1980 Ram FW07 with Cogan Rainbow Jeans car

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