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Track making

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Track making Empty Track making

Post by jdavidson89 Wed 8 Nov - 0:51

Hello long time, so I had taken a break from modding for a bit and now am starting on learning track modding, I have scanned a track from Google maps into bobs track builder and put it together and exported it to refactor successfully, my question is about textures, I used the default textures from BTB but was curious how to load my own custom textures into the track(do I simply copy textures over the ones I pack in the mas or do I have to reconfigure anything) and I seem to be hitting a snag on converting to f1c, no error it crashes near instantly on load. My largest texture is 512x512 and there was a blank cam file from rfactor so I copied the cam from another track. I might try converting the track again later it might have bunked up a GMT conversion I followed the pdf tutorial from f1c developer tools it was pretty straightforward but I could have made an error. Am I missing something? I rewrote the scan, Gdb and aiw accordingly. Would it also not work if they are all loose files still should I maspack it? Sorry kinda all over I just know that you guys(and girls)are some of the best modders in the community so I know you guys know how to do this. On an aside I am still working on my old cars I wanted to add old tracks as well so that's what led to this, making San Remo(as I can tell jalnervion never released it and no one else ever made it). And 16 other tracks I scanned so far from Google Earth.

Sunday Driver
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Track making Empty Re: Track making

Post by JALNERVION Wed 8 Nov - 9:03

Hello. I would like to know what tracks are you scaned from Google Earth. What I do usually. I left the textures from btb when export to rfactor, and once the track works in rfactor I change the textures. Then I convert rfactor track to f1c. But before export from btb to rfactor, the aiw file and cams must be created. The aiw file and can is work in f1c too. You must edit gdb file and scn, after the conversión from rfactor to f1c.
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Track making Empty Re: Track making

Post by jdavidson89 Wed 8 Nov - 11:54

Yeah I was thinking of just placing in my own textures when I pack it in mas after. I think I have to figure how to write cam files I think I get the aiw writeup, I know Gdb and scn files are pretty straightforward. As for the scans I'll have to double check on my comp later but so far I have, bologna auto show, San Remo, kumalo, Donnybrook, brandkop, heysel, Ardmore, Davidstow, charterwell(I think, it's a Scottish airfield track), lowood, one of the rio city races(guaraballa?),Lourenco marques,caen, I think a few more I'll double check later, I was starting with all the no championships and working backwards I'm in the 50s currently but was gonna keep going, I've seen your list, I scanned heysel to the best of my ability that is a race in Belgium on on ramps and off ramps around a highway the length is really accurate and the shape is mostly correct(a little rounder corners then the image shows, image is from the race handout I'm pretty sure so who knows how precise)so that one gave me practice scanning over modern cities so thought maybe I could offer any help, I'm not an expert but I understand most of the process(just gotta finalize converting).

Sunday Driver
Sunday Driver

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Date d'inscription : 2018-08-06
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Track making Empty Re: Track making

Post by cecelo Fri 10 Nov - 6:20

Hi jdavidson89,

"...one of the rio city races(guaraballa?)"

Are you referring to a race that was held in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil? Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes
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Track making Empty Re: Track making

Post by jdavidson89 Thu 16 Nov - 18:48

Yes cecelo it was raced in Rio de Janeiro, and Jalnervion I figured out my issue it was with the sky generation in the scn file. I have copied the skybox and cloud lines from 1999_Monza(just picked a random default F1C race)over what BTB made and it works fine, in order to pack in the mas I have to edit all the texture references in the mts files to use bmp files which is kinda tedious but in the end I have made 2 tracks so far, I also tested moving forward a track, 1999_A-1_Ring to rf1 and it was exactly the same simplicity. 3DSimEd does a great job creating the scn files when you convert the track its just the skies that need to be changed(well plus the gdb which I already knew). So I am going to go forward with the rest of the scans I've made for now, the tracks I am making are:

Ardmore(New Zeland airstrip race) http://www.silhouet.com/motorsport/tracks/ardmore.html
Guanabara(Rio De Janeiro track I was telling Cecelo about) http://www.silhouet.com/motorsport/tracks/tijuca.html
Brandkop(South African race) http://www.silhouet.com/motorsport/tracks/brandkop.html
Charterhall(Scottish Air strip race) https://www.racingcircuits.info/europe/united-kingdom/charterhall.html
Davidstow(English Air strip race) https://www.motorsportmagazine.com/database/races/1954-davidstow-f1/
Donnybrook(Zimbabwe race) https://www.racingcircuits.info/africa/zimbabwe/donnybrook-raceway.html
Bordeaux(French Race) http://www.silhouet.com/motorsport/tracks/bordeaux.html
Caen(French Race) http://www.silhouet.com/motorsport/tracks/caen.html
Goldfields(South African race) https://www.racingcircuits.info/africa/south-africa/phakisa-freeway.html
Heysel(Belgian race) http://www.silhouet.com/motorsport/tracks/brussels.html
Ospedaletti(San Remo) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/San_Remo_Grand_Prix
Kumalo(Zimbabwe race) http://www.silhouet.com/motorsport/tracks/kumalo.html
Lourenco Marques(Mozambique race) https://www.motorsportmagazine.com/database/circuits/lourenco-marques/
lowood(Australian race) http://www.silhouet.com/motorsport/tracks/lowood.html
Westmead(South African race) http://www.silhouet.com/motorsport/tracks/westmead.html

I have a txt file I put together of tracks that were non championship races(prior to 1950 it's your list pretty much jalnervion)so I am going to work on that a bit. I can try to learn AC track to rf/f1c if you want 3DSimED supports that game as well, might try converting alot of different game tracks as I have have most of the games somewhere and then anything I make going forward I could easily convert if I know how to. I'll get back to cars eventually I just wanted to learn tracks and take a break from cars for a bit.I have the Bologna Auto Show(F1 Indoor Trophy from 1988-1996) made for both F1C/rf1 it was my first track I made, but my texture works is still pretty generic(using BTB textures) as I haven't made any custom textures, I could release it here if anyone is interested though?

Sunday Driver
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Date d'inscription : 2018-08-06
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Track making Empty Re: Track making

Post by cecelo Fri 17 Nov - 2:09

Hi jdavidson89, Thank you for your answer.
The first car races in Brazil were held in Rio de Janeiro on a circuit called Circuito da Gávea.
Track making 01circ10
Track making 01circ11
Track making 01circ12
This circuit was extremely dangerous and challenging. Many European drivers came to race because they liked this challenge. There are several videos on YT from that time and they are scary and incredible at the same time. After the Circuito da Gávea ended, this street track (the one you are doing) was created temporarily.
The Jacarepaguá Circuit was created, which was called Nova Caledônia and had two different routes. From 1964 to 1970 he had this path. (This circuit, in my opinion, should be produced but I don't know if it's possible...)
Track making Autodr10
Track making Autodr11
Track making Autodr12
Then in 1977 it was renovated and made the circuit most used in the 80s.
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Track making Empty Re: Track making

Post by jdavidson89 Fri 17 Nov - 2:50

Hello cecelo, I have gavea on my list I haven't tried to do a trace yet, I hadn't heard about the early jacerpaqua. I can try it as well, the catch is my textures are pretty generic right now I'm just using the textures from Bobs Track Builder. I know there is a forum on here with people doing lots of research on graphics for the textures of each year I am not that advanced I'm just happy I am getting the shapes right and raceable right now. Sorry I am pretty early on in my skill here. I am also putting together a template folder you could just convert a rfactor1 track in 3DSimED and copy and paste the files and add a few lines into it. When I finish putting that together I can upload it it'll make my work easier as BTB makes an rfactor track everytime.

Sunday Driver
Sunday Driver

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Date d'inscription : 2018-08-06
Age : 35
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