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T cars and other used in practice during GP weekends

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T cars and other used in practice during GP weekends - Page 8 Empty Re: T cars and other used in practice during GP weekends

Post by Pannie Tue 21 Jul - 9:43


2 - Styria

#40 Aitken Williams FW43 Mercedes (practice only)
T cars and other used in practice during GP weekends - Page 8 7hVtM7yK_t

#88 Kubica Alfa Romeo C39 Ferrari (practice only)
T cars and other used in practice during GP weekends - Page 8 Nze4rxaR_t

3 - Hungary

#88 Kubica Alfa Romeo C39 Ferrari (practice only)
T cars and other used in practice during GP weekends - Page 8 P6PvwAtR_t

5 - 70th Anniversary

#88 Kubica Alfa Romeo C39 Ferrari (practice only)
T cars and other used in practice during GP weekends - Page 8 4DvlkBF1_t

6 - Spain

#16 Leclerc Ferrari SF1000
T cars and other used in practice during GP weekends - Page 8 JHZP13JS_t (Race) T cars and other used in practice during GP weekends - Page 8 J9AuJXGL_t data gathering device (practice)

#40 R Nissany Williams FW43 Mercedes (practice only)
T cars and other used in practice during GP weekends - Page 8 ENz0TyV8_t

#41 R Nissany Williams FW43 Mercedes (practice only)
T cars and other used in practice during GP weekends - Page 8 QaqrWjBR_t

8 - Italy

#40 R Nissany Williams FW43 Mercedes (practice only)
T cars and other used in practice during GP weekends - Page 8 C46b6GXj_t

15 - Bahrain

#40 R Nissany Williams FW43 Mercedes (practice only)
T cars and other used in practice during GP weekends - Page 8 GzwtCBZu_t

#88 Kubica Alfa Romeo C39 Ferrari (practice only)
Grand Prix Winner
Grand Prix Winner

Messages : 3055
Date d'inscription : 2014-09-21

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