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1935 French Grand Prix

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1935 French Grand Prix Empty 1935 French Grand Prix

Post by elmimidu69 Wed 9 Aug - 15:13

1935 French Grand Prix Mizsmp XXIX Grand Prix de l'Automobile Club de France 1935 French Grand Prix Logo_a13
Autodrome de Linas-Montlhéry, France

Nombre de tours: 40 Tours
Longueur du circuit: 12,500 kms
Distance de la course: 500 kms

23 juin 1935

1935 French Grand Prix 190

1935 French Grand Prix 1935_g10
Le circuit

1935 French Grand Prix Vr7Qt9rO_t


Pour la troisième fois consécutive le circuit de Montlhéry est le théâtre du Grand-Prix de l’Automobile Club de France, nouvelle confrontation italo-germanique. La réglementation, édictée pour quatre ans reste donc inchangée. Maserati n’engage plus de voitures officiellement, Zehender et Sommer courent sous les couleurs de la Scuderia Subalpina alors que Bugatti n’est représentée que par la Type 59 que pilote Robert Benoist. Cette édition sera donc une confrontation inégale entre la France et la coalition de l’axe.
Dans un souci de réduire la vitesse des chicanes sont disposées aux deux-Ponts, au raccordement des Quatres-Routes et après l’épingle du Faye.
Après les essais chronométrés, les positions sur la grille de départ sont les suivantes : Stuck, Nuvolari, Varzi, Chiron, Caracciola, Von Brauchitsch, Faglioli, Rosemeyer, Sommer.
Au baissé du drapeau Stuck et Nuvolari qui ont légèrement volés le départ, s’imposent devant Varzi, Caracciola, Fagioli et Chiron. A la mi-course, Mercedes occupe confortablement les trois premières places du classement.
Caracciola et Mercedes sortent grands vainqueurs de cette course dans l’indifférence générale.

For the third consecutive time, the Montlhéry circuit is the scene of the Grand-Prix of the Automobile Club de France, a new Italian-German confrontation. The regulations, enacted for four years, therefore remain unchanged. Maserati no longer officially enters cars, Zehender and Sommer race under the colors of the Scuderia Subalpina while Bugatti is represented only by the Type 59 driven by Robert Benoist. This edition will therefore be an unequal confrontation between France and the Axis coalition.
In order to reduce speed, chicanes are placed at the two bridges, at the junction of Quatres-Routes and after the Faye hairpin.
After the timed practice, the positions on the starting grid are as follows: Stuck, Nuvolari, Varzi, Chiron, Caracciola, Von Brauchitsch, Faglioli, Rosemeyer, Sommer.
At the drop of the flag Stuck and Nuvolari who slightly stole the start, won ahead of Varzi, Caracciola, Fagioli and Chiron. Halfway through the race, Mercedes comfortably occupies the first three places in the standings.
Caracciola and Mercedes emerged as the big winners of this race to general indifference.


1935 French Grand Prix 84AdPAyS_t

1935 French Grand Prix 192
Les engagés


1935 French Grand Prix SY06v4nd_t 1935 French Grand Prix VEec4Q3e_t 1935 French Grand Prix XiRaAPuS_t 1935 French Grand Prix WifpbWDm_t 1935 French Grand Prix FmLOrtfY_t 1935 French Grand Prix BGk7s6Ss_t


1935 French Grand Prix VkCF8uoQ_t 1935 French Grand Prix VMPyXrPQ_t 1935 French Grand Prix HubZ5s0i_t 1935 French Grand Prix 5ujGr2hg_t 1935 French Grand Prix K55xBj0y_t 1935 French Grand Prix WyToMiSZ_t 1935 French Grand Prix 0MZ5MJg7_t 1935 French Grand Prix M6tMRKh9_t 1935 French Grand Prix LWHfsk6L_t 1935 French Grand Prix KQrATwVD_t 1935 French Grand Prix Xn7d5ZFu_t 1935 French Grand Prix 23zNr9tS_t 1935 French Grand Prix RrH9qb0p_t 1935 French Grand Prix S6OHkdhv_t 1935 French Grand Prix JGjrdDFJ_t 1935 French Grand Prix SeiNjffg_t 1935 French Grand Prix VHokerjQ_t 1935 French Grand Prix 2PltQnNf_t 1935 French Grand Prix NnLvf74X_t 1935 French Grand Prix MURrXJrW_t 1935 French Grand Prix COnbpMBl_t 1935 French Grand Prix RuI4Nagp_t 1935 French Grand Prix SqHJhehs_t 1935 French Grand Prix XiUo8EG2_t 1935 French Grand Prix OOkl0TST_t 1935 French Grand Prix OOdV52Ik_t 1935 French Grand Prix KU7wyxQR_t 1935 French Grand Prix WnP6VfUa_t 1935 French Grand Prix BRJnjIKg_t 1935 French Grand Prix 5B5nLyAy_t
#02 Rudolf Caracciola - Daimler-Benz AG - Mercedes-Benz W25B

1935 French Grand Prix QbVdzmhC_t 1935 French Grand Prix Wl3Q2Yz9_t 1935 French Grand Prix AToBBhS9_t 1935 French Grand Prix 8QtTRYHd_t 1935 French Grand Prix GnjXxzwF_t 1935 French Grand Prix Etmmymid_t 1935 French Grand Prix Jm8mL5iS_t 1935 French Grand Prix SR2VtQqJ_t 1935 French Grand Prix Ze8S3XdV_t 1935 French Grand Prix MfO0HGmY_t 1935 French Grand Prix SAXLl93V_t 1935 French Grand Prix 8kN7NSoC_t 1935 French Grand Prix 64nOCRdu_t 1935 French Grand Prix CzN8ch4s_t 1935 French Grand Prix GTqDkBQT_t 1935 French Grand Prix IuJh0dPR_t 1935 French Grand Prix VEeRM7RQ_t
#04 Luigi Fagioli - Daimler-Benz AG - Mercedes-Benz W25A

1935 French Grand Prix GlC2n1rn_t 1935 French Grand Prix En6Cuwub_t 1935 French Grand Prix 84cD11B9_t 1935 French Grand Prix Dhdf5XSM_t 1935 French Grand Prix 0VfWe9so_t 1935 French Grand Prix DBdsrzH9_t 1935 French Grand Prix ZMz0dAVx_t 1935 French Grand Prix 6caO61uc_t 1935 French Grand Prix E7A8rI77_t 1935 French Grand Prix 88G0oWu2_t 1935 French Grand Prix 60YH8VbW_t 1935 French Grand Prix FRsR9aLz_t
#06 Manfred von Brauchitsch - Daimler-Benz AG - Mercedes-Benz W25B

1935 French Grand Prix IXWHvkZ9_t 1935 French Grand Prix Ne2sa5hU_t 1935 French Grand Prix GCKyAfvi_t 1935 French Grand Prix DFXrAo0Z_t 1935 French Grand Prix FtTxO8S7_t 1935 French Grand Prix MY3iqaLW_t
#08 Achille Varzi - Auto Union AG - Auto Union B

1935 French Grand Prix LRnn71lP_t 1935 French Grand Prix NVpIBl6C_t 1935 French Grand Prix D4zw0Zoj_t 1935 French Grand Prix E5wNxAfA_t 1935 French Grand Prix X9yJXzmG_t 1935 French Grand Prix WUsIF5Og_t 1935 French Grand Prix PqIXTAMz_t 1935 French Grand Prix CVI6mtBn_t 1935 French Grand Prix XEcNjlKb_t 1935 French Grand Prix J26x37DY_t 1935 French Grand Prix OKMlOkMg_t 1935 French Grand Prix IZ0e6gHs_t
#10 Hans Stuck - Auto Union AG - Auto Union B

1935 French Grand Prix YgfcpvQ9_t 1935 French Grand Prix 3KWgxCWU_t 1935 French Grand Prix QG1pSHtu_t 1935 French Grand Prix 8TtxEGjX_t
#12 Bernd Rosemeyer - Auto Union AG - Auto Union B

1935 French Grand Prix PM9MSIKF_t 1935 French Grand Prix YjH4VHyo_t 1935 French Grand Prix KLzxsg51_t 1935 French Grand Prix YksT1V5b_t 1935 French Grand Prix OIYHG3Ch_t 1935 French Grand Prix 9jFB9jBi_t 1935 French Grand Prix 8kwayJ3i_t 1935 French Grand Prix STZhpeDw_t 1935 French Grand Prix PzspZ250_t 1935 French Grand Prix Re9vYxBV_t 1935 French Grand Prix Y2QEDfeE_t 1935 French Grand Prix 7FXr7rDn_t 1935 French Grand Prix PTmT2RYv_t
#14 Tazio Nuvolari - Scuderia Ferrari - Alfa Romeo Tipo B/P3

1935 French Grand Prix CBOkrf0Z_t 1935 French Grand Prix FdG60dlo_t 1935 French Grand Prix JhwesVSN_t 1935 French Grand Prix MmS2NTKF_t 1935 French Grand Prix Rak92aJm_t 1935 French Grand Prix MJa67ngq_t 1935 French Grand Prix 4XPeEqpd_t 1935 French Grand Prix Cr63V0Nz_t 1935 French Grand Prix Kf8AaZaW_t 1935 French Grand Prix AsThDgnd_t 1935 French Grand Prix 9N9kaLcZ_t 1935 French Grand Prix Vi8g86ME_t
#16 Louis Chiron - Scuderia Ferrari - Alfa Romeo Tipo B/P3

1935 French Grand Prix YKn2Ifma_t 1935 French Grand Prix 7d97nRVm_t
#18 Goffredo Zehender - Scuderia Subalpina - Maserati 6C-34

1935 French Grand Prix U6dJ6fMX_t
#20 Raymond Sommer - Scuderia Subalpina - Maserati 6C-34

1935 French Grand Prix 2tfbKS2D_t 1935 French Grand Prix RAKVJC9L_t 1935 French Grand Prix 6dzKAWa9_t 1935 French Grand Prix 3zPCryuq_t 1935 French Grand Prix DIYLDxis_t
#22 Marcel Lehoux - SEFAC - SEFAC 2.8 - DNS - did not start

1935 French Grand Prix QoWSw3Q1_t 1935 French Grand Prix Uiy9RBPD_t 1935 French Grand Prix 4SSvLUbN_t 1935 French Grand Prix UJtMZfhJ_t 1935 French Grand Prix XzrGwiAZ_t 1935 French Grand Prix 0QDxdyhm_t 1935 French Grand Prix M4YOfHeT_t 1935 French Grand Prix FXLPYwkC_t 1935 French Grand Prix J2MZ7nOP_t 1935 French Grand Prix O2ryLQ5L_t 1935 French Grand Prix KSgHlVuK_t 1935 French Grand Prix IIfj9dtX_t 1935 French Grand Prix Hd8QLb0X_t 1935 French Grand Prix NAeDEt0o_t 1935 French Grand Prix 2IbMCJXM_t 1935 French Grand Prix FcmX3x6z_t
#24 Robert Benoist - Automobiles E. Bugatti - Bugatti T59-50S


1935 French Grand Prix 655IA4pU_t 1935 French Grand Prix OhFoNg71_t 1935 French Grand Prix 2QqukW7P_t 1935 French Grand Prix Q6hPexqC_t 1935 French Grand Prix 6E3S8NYw_t 1935 French Grand Prix AKJwCuRt_t 1935 French Grand Prix V1jWFMLX_t 1935 French Grand Prix GpaYaw9P_t 1935 French Grand Prix L4BxWy00_t

1935 French Grand Prix JseFgxGx_t 1935 French Grand Prix Del6l1t6_t 1935 French Grand Prix AmI34usO_t 1935 French Grand Prix C3GTNRwM_t 1935 French Grand Prix Da3zt9hr_t 1935 French Grand Prix 2UEDdudt_t

1935 French Grand Prix RScNvoz4_t
Alfred Neubauer & Luigi Fagioli.

1935 French Grand Prix ERc5Xa5I_t
Alfred Neubauer

1935 French Grand Prix KfJyaHsF_t
Auto Union à l'entrainement

1935 French Grand Prix Fa1S38G0_t
Mercedes à l'entrainement

1935 French Grand Prix UQnoA5j3_t
Pierre Louis Dreyfus & Louis Chiron

1935 French Grand Prix 3PNAC2Oe_t 1935 French Grand Prix URMCytiU_t 1935 French Grand Prix HQqnObhK_t 1935 French Grand Prix XlYAzWwy_t
Rudolf Caracciola

1935 French Grand Prix QcwZvtUb_t
Tazio Nuvolari & Louis Chiron

1935 French Grand Prix 3KUw4bNV_t
Team Auto-Union

1935 French Grand Prix LSKnpbAR_t 1935 French Grand Prix YKrRAxK3_t 1935 French Grand Prix AobxxVeN_t 1935 French Grand Prix 1Ne7FgaJ_t 1935 French Grand Prix AvdhcZ6K_t 1935 French Grand Prix NaTDHCK2_t 1935 French Grand Prix QCcu476U_t 1935 French Grand Prix X1fUbkbv_t 1935 French Grand Prix FylIcQ6M_t
Team Daimler Benz

1935 French Grand Prix QtYhYPKv_t 1935 French Grand Prix DHc0z13I_t 1935 French Grand Prix UJbqH8Ot_t 1935 French Grand Prix EJ2Y3QRN_t 1935 French Grand Prix KpgueHHL_t 1935 French Grand Prix N6HI5K8f_t 1935 French Grand Prix B0Zdmqd4_t


1935 French Grand Prix SwpOcztQ_t 1935 French Grand Prix 6qWyj3hG_t 1935 French Grand Prix R1befDxF_t 1935 French Grand Prix KXqPZNMO_t 1935 French Grand Prix YtUqJmk2_t 1935 French Grand Prix TBSXK6TV_t 1935 French Grand Prix OAGmoaq9_t
Motorsports Juin 1935



1935 French Grand Prix 193
F1 Driver
F1 Driver

Messages : 984
Date d'inscription : 2017-10-24
Age : 63
Localisation : Au milieu du Beaujolais

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