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1934 French Grand Prix

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1934 French Grand Prix Empty 1934 French Grand Prix

Post by elmimidu69 Mon 7 Aug - 20:00

1934 French Grand Prix Mizsmp XXVIII Grand Prix de l'Automobile Club de France 1934 French Grand Prix Logo_a13
Autodrome de Linas-Montlhéry, France

Nombre de tours: 40 Tours
Longueur du circuit: 12,500 kms
Distance de la course: 500 kms

1er juillet 1934

1934 French Grand Prix 186

1934 French Grand Prix 1xlu1CIH_t
Le circuit

1934 French Grand Prix ZalaS9xA_t


La Fédération Internationale adopte lors de sa réunion du 10 octobre 1933 la nouvelle réglementation relative à la Formule Internationale. Le poids à sec des voitures ne doit pas dépasser les 750 kg et le poste de pilotage doit mesurer au minimum 85 cm de large.
Pour cette nouvelle édition, courue sur le circuit de Linas-Montlhéry, Bugatti engage les toutes nouvelles « type 59 » dont la puissance du moteur est portée à 3 257 cm³. Mais l’événement de cette saison est l’apparition des voitures allemandes dans les Grand-Prix. Daimler-Benz engage trois Mercedes à quatre roues indépendantes du au crayon de Hans Nibel, de son côté Auto-Union, consortium des firmes Horch-DKW-Audi-Wanderer, présente deux bolides signés du professeur Ferdinand Porsche. Très évolués techniquement, ces derniers disposent d’un moteur central V 16 de 4,3 litres. La SEFAC française a été retirée car la voiture n’est pas prête.
Sur la grille de départ, tirée au sort, Alfa Roméo et Auto-Union se partagent la première ligne, Mercedes est en seconde et Bugatti occupe la sixième place.
Les voitures ont été conduites vers la grille de départ avec chaque pilote, en particulier Chiron et Etancelin, accueilli par des applaudissements lorsque leur nom ont été annoncé par haut-parleurs. Le Vicomte de Rohan, Président de l’Automobile Club de France, a donné les instructions aux pilotes avant qu’ils ne montent dans leurs voitures. A 14 heures, le départ est donné.
Chiron (Alfa Roméo) parti en huitième position réussit un départ remarquable et à la fin du premier pour il pointe en tête devant Caracciola (Mercedes), Fagioli (Mercedes), Stuck (Auto-Union) et Varzi (Alfa Roméo).
Le pilote monégasque, triomphe sous les acclamations de la foule, un nouvelle fois la Scuderia Ferrari a eu raison les monstres allemands.

The International Federation adopts at its meeting of October 10, 1933 the new regulations relating to the International Formula. The dry weight of the cars must not exceed 750 kg and the cockpit must be at least 85 cm wide.
For this new edition, run on the Linas-Montlhéry circuit, Bugatti is entering the all-new “type 59” whose engine power has been increased to 3,257 cm³. But the event of this season is the appearance of German cars in the Grand Prix. Daimler-Benz enters three Mercedes with four independent wheels from the pencil of Hans Nibel, on its side Auto-Union, a consortium of firms Horch-DKW-Audi-Wanderer, presents two racing cars signed by Professor Ferdinand Porsche. Very advanced technically, the latter have a 4.3-litre V 16 mid-engine. The French SEFAC has been withdrawn because the car is not ready.
On the starting grid, drawn by lot, Alfa Romeo and Auto-Union share the front row, Mercedes is in second and Bugatti is in sixth place.
The cars were marched to the starting grid with each driver, particularly Chiron and Etancelin, greeted with applause as their names were announced over the loudspeakers. The Vicomte de Rohan, President of the Automobile Club de France, gave the instructions to the drivers before they got into their cars. At 2 p.m., the start is given.
Chiron (Alfa Roméo) who started in eighth position had a remarkable start and at the end of the first he was in the lead ahead of Caracciola (Mercedes), Fagioli (Mercedes), Stuck (Auto-Union) and Varzi (Alfa Roméo).
The Monegasque driver triumphs to the cheers of the crowd, once again Scuderia Ferrari got the better of the German monsters.


1934 French Grand Prix DhzpDAQk_t

1934 French Grand Prix LsA29nEv_t

1934 French Grand Prix 189
Les engagés

1934 French Grand Prix To3QhKDl_t 1934 French Grand Prix KIAkljZk_t 1934 French Grand Prix 70ZKdIHT_t 1934 French Grand Prix MPYgk1he_t
Scuderia Ferrari
(Alfa-Roméo (I)
Team Auto Union (D)
Team Bugatti (F)
Team Mercedes Benz (D)

Les constructeurs


1934 French Grand Prix U7KWP4gB_t
Briefing drivers

1934 French Grand Prix WPfa5okd_t 1934 French Grand Prix Nl1ebd6c_t
Mise en grille

1934 French Grand Prix Fq2u09K2_t 1934 French Grand Prix ZafnT9qj_t 1934 French Grand Prix E2WtUgzP_t 1934 French Grand Prix 6EgvriLB_t 1934 French Grand Prix HIgn5EW6_t 1934 French Grand Prix Ec1gm66d_t 1934 French Grand Prix OARLjNCr_t 1934 French Grand Prix Xs407WKJ_t 1934 French Grand Prix I39MhHor_t 1934 French Grand Prix UZxegAVC_t 1934 French Grand Prix FhwaItlH_t


1934 French Grand Prix J61iOa2t_t
#02 Hans Stuck - Auto Union AG - Auto Union A 4.4 V-16 - Raced Mombergers's car

1934 French Grand Prix Qp2Aq4Rq_t 1934 French Grand Prix 552mYyla_t 1934 French Grand Prix CpXI2PLq_t 1934 French Grand Prix HHoi1ctS_t 1934 French Grand Prix 0Yl4B3Ke_t 1934 French Grand Prix CRPvW7Qz_t 1934 French Grand Prix EURvWcch_t 1934 French Grand Prix WYouvcz2_t 1934 French Grand Prix Po2z9vqJ_t 1934 French Grand Prix Z0B81QvC_t 1934 French Grand Prix AzcQ5A1w_t 1934 French Grand Prix UeNCN3dr_t 1934 French Grand Prix Pw2Nnpqr_t 1934 French Grand Prix NLnMxMdx_t 1934 French Grand Prix WpqH6Rlb_t 1934 French Grand Prix DKMUyuFC_t 1934 French Grand Prix KlBDUcpc_t 1934 French Grand Prix Q9lwJCCa_t 1934 French Grand Prix U2sbg8Dw_t 1934 French Grand Prix 7IjPmenp_t 1934 French Grand Prix NLR4HMjP_t 1934 French Grand Prix ZXE784IB_t 1934 French Grand Prix XfSD61N3_t 1934 French Grand Prix JwrMYpJV_t 1934 French Grand Prix FIqgUDOW_t 1934 French Grand Prix 7L5GbCst_t 1934 French Grand Prix KUKmjeTk_t 1934 French Grand Prix IC4tQInj_t 1934 French Grand Prix M3cNvt94_t 1934 French Grand Prix PamZ63GQ_t 1934 French Grand Prix JKlwxQlO_t 1934 French Grand Prix EXGK5boA_t
#04 Hans Stuck - Auto Union AG - Auto Union A 4.4 V-16 - Raced zu Leiningen's car

1934 French Grand Prix G9BuDPo1_t 1934 French Grand Prix 3X3GPeO1_t 1934 French Grand Prix DinSNxwR_t 1934 French Grand Prix XAqU64TF_t 1934 French Grand Prix RCFsPRKN_t 1934 French Grand Prix My5ZrjAx_t 1934 French Grand Prix Pf20PRbS_t 1934 French Grand Prix FXQVWBYv_t 1934 French Grand Prix ASDPySwH_t 1934 French Grand Prix 1zVUSDYM_t 1934 French Grand Prix VPKbBWJO_t
#06 Achille Varzi - Scuderia Ferrari - Alfa Romeo Tipo B-P3 2.9 S-8

1934 French Grand Prix 0je05OXD_t 1934 French Grand Prix 1TuqQNTH_t 1934 French Grand Prix PePDn5om_t 1934 French Grand Prix BubFrQ6m_t 1934 French Grand Prix 9rptBxua_t 1934 French Grand Prix PtHETdIt_t 1934 French Grand Prix HkAPhaYV_t 1934 French Grand Prix 0vKHcooC_t 1934 French Grand Prix KBFSwGGA_t 1934 French Grand Prix PKn3EjYD_t 1934 French Grand Prix Kn9fPy0x_t 1934 French Grand Prix GdUTRC5V_t 1934 French Grand Prix Ii2rnpCx_t 1934 French Grand Prix 4sDpfdx1_t 1934 French Grand Prix 0zoGKq0X_t 1934 French Grand Prix AxIRKAYj_t 1934 French Grand Prix Unlvhelc_t 1934 French Grand Prix F0aAewTQ_t 1934 French Grand Prix ErNDp0nr_t 1934 French Grand Prix QDg8ygGQ_t 1934 French Grand Prix 00nhtHBc_t 1934 French Grand Prix YhCrmq9x_t
#08 Rudolf Caracciola - Daimler-Benz AG - Mercedes-Benz W25 3.4 S-8

1934 French Grand Prix VHyAwVfr_t 1934 French Grand Prix WqfiyIXf_t 1934 French Grand Prix ZAMZfx83_t 1934 French Grand Prix IavRd6Zz_t 1934 French Grand Prix IgQECfhO_t 1934 French Grand Prix 1pbLF789_t 1934 French Grand Prix 52WGAI2u_t 1934 French Grand Prix 2D2l8zY0_t 1934 French Grand Prix GmQksAGd_t
#10 August Momberger - Auto Union AG - Auto Union A 4.4 V-16 - DNS - Momberger raced the car

1934 French Grand Prix 7GTV5VL4_t 1934 French Grand Prix JekeEPhY_t 1934 French Grand Prix EPmW33yS_t 1934 French Grand Prix RYubiKyj_t 1934 French Grand Prix TxL1YiOe_t 1934 French Grand Prix BoQg856B_t 1934 French Grand Prix AnfCY6b8_t 1934 French Grand Prix TBYomdoW_t 1934 French Grand Prix O3R4OtrJ_t 1934 French Grand Prix AI3FhOwe_t 1934 French Grand Prix 2QnlD9Wm_t 1934 French Grand Prix OUzdW4dk_t 1934 French Grand Prix CJVdht7C_t 1934 French Grand Prix H45IZAYa_t 1934 French Grand Prix KQioFhFW_t 1934 French Grand Prix TR2FGTYS_t 1934 French Grand Prix 4DhQF5ME_t 1934 French Grand Prix BBRYd5Me_t 1934 French Grand Prix LlTHQwf3_t 1934 French Grand Prix S0SeXnvI_t 1934 French Grand Prix RTQUwsbz_t 1934 French Grand Prix WC6SuxXO_t 1934 French Grand Prix I2sBhufy_t 1934 French Grand Prix TIJ0GSwK_t 1934 French Grand Prix Xh37TofO_t 1934 French Grand Prix 1YNsoYho_t 1934 French Grand Prix PQZRgWuu_t 1934 French Grand Prix JIYkhdzB_t 1934 French Grand Prix 3UA8cwxW_t 1934 French Grand Prix Z9ptfxKv_t
#12 Louis Chiron - Scuderia Ferrari - Alfa Romeo Tipo B-P3 2.9 S-8

1934 French Grand Prix DNXcUmll_t 1934 French Grand Prix EOzXoqyV_t 1934 French Grand Prix Rrw3P7Rn_t 1934 French Grand Prix YhsryNaq_t
#14 Tazio Nuvolari - Automobiles E. Bugatti - Bugatti T59 3.3 S-8

1934 French Grand Prix FWvljndt_t 1934 French Grand Prix MHS9cn8L_t 1934 French Grand Prix QRpCbvYP_t 1934 French Grand Prix Fn93X0mn_t 1934 French Grand Prix 7by7wR7S_t 1934 French Grand Prix BWczKTyf_t 1934 French Grand Prix UuAy658v_t 1934 French Grand Prix I6A4Q7Tm_t 1934 French Grand Prix Te7AlAdJ_t 1934 French Grand Prix VOSfTctx_t 1934 French Grand Prix Y1prKtpC_t 1934 French Grand Prix 57lm7NDR_t
#16 Robert Benoist - Automobiles E. Bugatti - Bugatti T59 2.8 S-8

1934 French Grand Prix MtjiQcy8_t 1934 French Grand Prix Ej9SbopT_t 1934 French Grand Prix CrLPMZR0_t 1934 French Grand Prix B9gb4l2A_t 1934 French Grand Prix ZgspKJeq_t 1934 French Grand Prix JQrbfCgI_t 1934 French Grand Prix WJx72mSm_t
#18 René Dreyfus - Automobiles E. Bugatti - Bugatti T59 3.3 S-8

1934 French Grand Prix DOab1etq_t 1934 French Grand Prix ShrQxI7I_t 1934 French Grand Prix 1EdohsGy_t 1934 French Grand Prix XXzPcabR_t 1934 French Grand Prix Y0hNB4C5_t 1934 French Grand Prix VLzR5EId_t 1934 French Grand Prix WlArLF2G_t 1934 French Grand Prix AzXBMO2w_t 1934 French Grand Prix UGihkJwo_t 1934 French Grand Prix O6reNMO9_t 1934 French Grand Prix ZInyKS1B_t 1934 French Grand Prix 4wQz0BeG_t 1934 French Grand Prix 3pEevKTw_t 1934 French Grand Prix WCg6J2HW_t
#20 Carlo Felice Trossi - Scuderia Ferrari - Alfa Romeo Tipo B-P3 2.9 S-8

1934 French Grand Prix PJyBRH1I_t
#20 Guy Moll - Scuderia Ferrari - Alfa Romeo Tipo B-P3 2.9 S-8

1934 French Grand Prix WEd8snFL_t 1934 French Grand Prix B88xuQEf_t 1934 French Grand Prix 3lzrTBRV_t 1934 French Grand Prix J2KGuheC_t 1934 French Grand Prix LtpW9sH4_t 1934 French Grand Prix XiSsJqUs_t
#22 Manfred von Brauchitsch - Daimler-Benz AG - Mercedes-Benz W25 3.4 S-8

1934 French Grand Prix XZqUE73v_t 1934 French Grand Prix Tn3JFUa9_t 1934 French Grand Prix EoZd0rnL_t 1934 French Grand Prix LvSemnz8_t 1934 French Grand Prix 7KhP1AZ5_t 1934 French Grand Prix My98xFSU_t 1934 French Grand Prix U68Q65G9_t 1934 French Grand Prix JmvJ8hf5_t 1934 French Grand Prix RN2Blbe8_t 1934 French Grand Prix DBdn5fE1_t 1934 French Grand Prix DktioyjB_t 1934 French Grand Prix MybSirw7_t 1934 French Grand Prix V9bVu4gs_t 1934 French Grand Prix Qy82kysv_t 1934 French Grand Prix VHfHn5Dh_t 1934 French Grand Prix TZZIJD9i_t
#24 Goffredo Zehender - Officine A. Maserati - Maserati 26M 3.0 S-8

1934 French Grand Prix N1UuBRqT_t 1934 French Grand Prix OFXSx3zz_t 1934 French Grand Prix R4PodxLD_t 1934 French Grand Prix YvDBi1QS_t
#26 Philippe Etancelin - P. Etancelin - Maserati 8CM 3.0 S-8

1934 French Grand Prix 6JnEXgH3_t
#28 Raymond Sommer - SEFAC - SEFAC 2.8 2x4 - DNA - withdrawn, car not ready

1934 French Grand Prix BydgNFF4_t 1934 French Grand Prix ETsYPr1g_t 1934 French Grand Prix ZzXH7Y51_t 1934 French Grand Prix PzDk5x6U_t 1934 French Grand Prix 1AWKj6TK_t 1934 French Grand Prix X8ZLhZzG_t
#30 Luigi Fagioli - Daimler-Benz AG - Mercedes-Benz W25 3.4 S-8

1934 French Grand Prix 6JnEXgH3_t
#32 Peter de Paolo - Ecurie Braillard - Maserati 8CM 3.0 S-8 - DNS - driver injured at Penya Rhin


1934 French Grand Prix 8alh4eH4_t 1934 French Grand Prix Qihm35F8_t 1934 French Grand Prix 5m7oVQvI_t 1934 French Grand Prix TVy7876Z_t

1934 French Grand Prix LnZgLlBw_t 1934 French Grand Prix J1PH45Bf_t 1934 French Grand Prix BE5rbNBz_t 1934 French Grand Prix GG4bpZVh_t 1934 French Grand Prix A2F1npZh_t 1934 French Grand Prix 06J0fSHM_t
Célébrations et Podium

1934 French Grand Prix Jg72EPy2_t
Manfred von Brauchitsch, Luigi Fagioli & Rudolf Caracciola

1934 French Grand Prix NxpgJEjD_t 1934 French Grand Prix YPNBKohv_t
Le banking

1934 French Grand Prix ZL4iawbh_t 1934 French Grand Prix JcUMDT7L_t 1934 French Grand Prix NIc4zmtX_t 1934 French Grand Prix RCXAVeJI_t 1934 French Grand Prix Zxj8BCkM_t 1934 French Grand Prix AJu2ediH_t 1934 French Grand Prix TGxxkHyR_t 1934 French Grand Prix ISACWRzn_t 1934 French Grand Prix FUILLFHC_t


1934 French Grand Prix BGQbrTY1_t 1934 French Grand Prix Y1WdOdIh_t 1934 French Grand Prix 36uKEROn_t 1934 French Grand Prix WAcgcFdP_t 1934 French Grand Prix 0Kh5wGkU_t 1934 French Grand Prix Nflwu9ky_t
Motorsports - Aout 1934

1934 French Grand Prix ARd5H2fW_t 1934 French Grand Prix C5kqR5Ul_t 1934 French Grand Prix EHEQaAqF_t 1934 French Grand Prix TzG7CLaA_t 1934 French Grand Prix 1V2zzvlv_t 1934 French Grand Prix PzTTQu1l_t 1934 French Grand Prix USRqMVIL_t
The Motors - Juin 1934

1934 French Grand Prix PrLK93F5_t
La Scuderia Ferrari Magazine Aout 1934

1934 French Grand Prix M7O6ptXG_t
Engelbert Tyre´s Victory Poster


1934 French Grand Prix 188
F1 Driver
F1 Driver

Messages : 984
Date d'inscription : 2017-10-24
Age : 63
Localisation : Au milieu du Beaujolais

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