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1931 French Grand Prix

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1931 French Grand Prix Empty 1931 French Grand Prix

Post by elmimidu69 Sat 5 Aug 2023 - 19:24

1931 French Grand Prix Mizsmp XXV Grand Prix de l'Automobile Club de France 1931 French Grand Prix Logo_a13
Autodrome de Montlhéry, France

Nombre de tours: 101 Tours
Longueur du circuit: 12,505 kms
Distance de la course: 1286,250 kms

21 juin 1931

1931 French Grand Prix 174

1931 French Grand Prix 7NKMGOmz_t

Le circuit

1931 French Grand Prix SxXCZY3z_t


La Fédération Internationale opte pour un nouveau règlement en début d’année 1931. La Formule est libre, mais les épreuves doivent durer un minimum de dix heures. Sur chaque voiture deux pilotes peuvent se relayer pendant toute la durée de l’épreuve.
Extraordinaire, cette nouvelle réglementation fait l’unanimité. Bugatti poursuit sa participation, Alfa Roméo fait son retour et Maserati accepte de disputer toutes les épreuves internationales. Même Mercedez-Benz qui n’est plus engagée officiellement, prépare des bolides pour quelques valeureux pilotes dont Caracciola.
Enfin le sport automobile émerge du marasme dans lequel il était plongé depuis plusieurs années.
C’est Montlhéry et ses 12 km 500 qui est retenu pour cette compétition de longue haleine. Des Delage, Peugeot et Sunbeam, d’usine ou privées s’ajoutent aux équipes citées précédemment.
Le beau temps est au rendez-vous lorsque les concurrents sont lâchés à huit heures précises, devant une foule record de plus de 100 000 spectateurs.
C’est Varzi qui termine sa ronde et passe la ligne d’arrivée sous les acclamations d’un public venu très nombreux par cette chaude journée. Louis Chiron, Achille Varzi et Bugatti sont ovationnés lors de la remise des trophées. Le pur-sang de Moslheim a vaincu le monstre Alfa Roméo.

The International Federation opted for new regulations at the start of 1931. The Formula was free, but the events had to last a minimum of ten hours. On each car two drivers can take turns throughout the duration of the event.
Extraordinary, this new regulation is unanimous. Bugatti continued its participation, Alfa Roméo made its comeback and Maserati agreed to take part in all the international events. Even Mercedez-Benz, which is no longer officially engaged, prepares cars for some brave drivers including Caracciola.
Finally, motorsport is emerging from the slump in which it had been plunged for several years.
It is Montlhéry and its 12 km 500 which is selected for this long-term competition. Delage, Peugeot and Sunbeam, factory or private, are added to the teams mentioned above.
The good weather is there when the competitors are released at eight o'clock sharp, in front of a record crowd of more than 100,000 spectators.
It was Varzi who finished his round and crossed the finish line to the cheers of a large crowd on this hot day. Louis Chiron, Achille Varzi and Bugatti received a standing ovation during the trophy presentation. The thoroughbred from Moslheim has defeated the monster Alfa Romeo.


1931 French Grand Prix 176
Les engagés


1931 French Grand Prix RscluTji_t 1931 French Grand Prix LWwkmaSb_t 1931 French Grand Prix 1T5cqo5l_t
Mise en grille

1931 French Grand Prix MeQ4nHBi_t 1931 French Grand Prix WAzWK74p_t 1931 French Grand Prix BMzgPyGK_t 1931 French Grand Prix Hz2PA58X_t 1931 French Grand Prix KsgAihdc_t 1931 French Grand Prix Xn426hKw_t


1931 French Grand Prix S40zIl70_t 1931 French Grand Prix 63FE2FzE_t 1931 French Grand Prix KtGTSF3Y_t 1931 French Grand Prix RHjRMpza_t
#02 William "Bomber" Scott-S. Armstrong-Payn W.B. Scott Delage 15S8

1931 French Grand Prix JwbcCtnW_t 1931 French Grand Prix L7AeYD28_t 1931 French Grand Prix OZpU8EHJ_t 1931 French Grand Prix Uu62X3KQ_t 1931 French Grand Prix YnOhJ6MT_t 1931 French Grand Prix VbntiKu7_t 1931 French Grand Prix NBgP0XkX_t 1931 French Grand Prix ZLlul04g_t 1931 French Grand Prix LfdFhRkr_t
#04 Ferdinando Minoia-Goffredo Zehender SA Alfa Romeo Alfa Romeo Monza

1931 French Grand Prix B3ewqVyC_t
#06 Francois Givaudan-André Vagniez Bugatti T37A - DNA - did not appear

1931 French Grand Prix B3ewqVyC_t
#08 Kaye Don-X K. Don

1931 French Grand Prix FjKfxkJz_t 1931 French Grand Prix TVpPnkSA_t 1931 French Grand Prix LqqyG5Fq_t 1931 French Grand Prix CoyBOngE_t 1931 French Grand Prix KvYf2M0c_t
#10 Luigi Fagioli-Ernesto Maserati Officine A. Maserati Maserati 26M

1931 French Grand Prix JPDJOtWk_t 1931 French Grand Prix MnVR17YD_t
#12 Jack Dunfee-Appleyard J. Dunfee Sunbeam 1925 GP 2.0 S-6

1931 French Grand Prix B3ewqVyC_t
#14 V. Monteiro-Deperi Vicomte Monteiro Demo-de Coucy - DNA - did not appear

1931 French Grand Prix B3ewqVyC_t
#16 André Boillot-Henri Stoffel H. Stoffel Peugeot 174S - DNA - did not appear

1931 French Grand Prix RN5AeL7J_t 1931 French Grand Prix TQ9vbyD3_t 1931 French Grand Prix 4mSXadcW_t
#18 Giuseppe Campari-Baconin Borzacchini SA Alfa Romeo Alfa Romeo Monza

1931 French Grand Prix RPgyANFz_t 1931 French Grand Prix 6KWKIkiq_t 1931 French Grand Prix 51u2f1tI_t 1931 French Grand Prix UcqVMvPp_t 1931 French Grand Prix XiDwgGfm_t 1931 French Grand Prix ZOUTPh1Q_t 1931 French Grand Prix R4XILoQ3_t 1931 French Grand Prix IeeshSWd_t
#20 René Dreyfus-Pietro Ghersi Officine A. Maserati Maserati 26M

1931 French Grand Prix 2cjZJ589_t
#22 Georges d'Arnoux-Max Fourny Conte d'Arnoux Bugatti T35C

1931 French Grand Prix 3p0oqFHX_t 1931 French Grand Prix XiGK4Cue_t 1931 French Grand Prix Jn1OMctP_t
#24 René Ferrant-Louis Rigal R. Ferrant Peugeot 174S

1931 French Grand Prix BTunySYd_t 1931 French Grand Prix HC9HuKE6_t
#26 Boris Ivanowski-Henri Stoffel B. Ivanowski Mercedes-Benz SSK

1931 French Grand Prix TZlRMUgd_t 1931 French Grand Prix XymMwRdK_t 1931 French Grand Prix DZXAno5O_t
#28 Albert Divo-Guy Bouriat Automobiles Ettore Bugatti Bugatti T51

1931 French Grand Prix PlptVsXr_t 1931 French Grand Prix 2UHiQ6Oi_t 1931 French Grand Prix 1DVOTECg_t 1931 French Grand Prix 6g1yr0Wy_t 1931 French Grand Prix KqBQgI3G_t
#30 Earl Howe-B. Lewis Earl Howe Bugatti T51

1931 French Grand Prix LtnsRL3u_t 1931 French Grand Prix G7vzduYV_t 1931 French Grand Prix JRebvN5g_t 1931 French Grand Prix PmLeecJM_t 1931 French Grand Prix LFFQrGQx_t 1931 French Grand Prix NCOoLgKb_t 1931 French Grand Prix CSsHlI3n_t 1931 French Grand Prix X7ZaKqoH_t 1931 French Grand Prix 2ybW1G9f_t 1931 French Grand Prix ADtWHIY0_t 1931 French Grand Prix EluAL91e_t 1931 French Grand Prix BWCLK6Db_t 1931 French Grand Prix WytQnB4n_t 1931 French Grand Prix Sim33nGB_t 1931 French Grand Prix Tl3dxh3l_t 1931 French Grand Prix L4DPfJYu_t
#32 Louis Chiron-Achille Varzi Automobiles Ettore Bugatti Bugatti T51

1931 French Grand Prix Bj1m04kT_t 1931 French Grand Prix QkF4ZGGc_t
#34 Emilio Eminente-Edmond Bourlier B. Ivanowsky Bugatti T35B

1931 French Grand Prix PmTRIe9O_t 1931 French Grand Prix OTjmtAQh_t
#36 Robert Sénéchal-Fretet R. Sénéchal Delage (1927) 15S8

1931 French Grand Prix BKre3I9e_t 1931 French Grand Prix ZOWgD0S3_t
#38 Jean-Pierre Wimille-Jean Gaupillat J.-P. Wimille Bugatti T51

1931 French Grand Prix PgrSb7kZ_t 1931 French Grand Prix VPQ0D8LC_t 1931 French Grand Prix IAkAMino_t
#40 Henry Birkin-George Eyston Sir H. Birkin Maserati 26M

1931 French Grand Prix 5IfHHkoZ_t 1931 French Grand Prix PmYu2NAS_t 1931 French Grand Prix KFB1x2yH_t 1931 French Grand Prix 4kPQ9ytA_t
#42 "W. Williams"-Caberto Conelli Automobiles Ettore Bugatti Bugatti T51

1931 French Grand Prix WIDpJgOn_t 1931 French Grand Prix DDRbAzFF_t 1931 French Grand Prix KmafjM0h_t 1931 French Grand Prix CDYcJxlZ_t
#44 Tazio Nuvolari-Giovanni Minozzi SA Alfa Romeo Alfa Romeo Monza

1931 French Grand Prix Ecg9H846_t 1931 French Grand Prix 3Lu96Byn_t 1931 French Grand Prix P9UCEgSN_t 1931 French Grand Prix 4j1iv35k_t 1931 French Grand Prix VRgwNPgs_t 1931 French Grand Prix TFvc3uew_t 1931 French Grand Prix 510fO338_t
#46 Clemente Biondetti-Luigi Parenti Officine A. Maserati Maserati 26M

1931 French Grand Prix IEb0glPW_t 1931 French Grand Prix PdRthGRa_t
#48 Jean Pesato-Pierre Félix Jean Pesato Alfa Romeo 6C-1750

1931 French Grand Prix SuU8W1Ev_t
#50 Enzo Grimaldi-Bourgait E. Grimaldi Bugatti T35C

1931 French Grand Prix RMarIeK5_t
#52 Marcel Lehoux-Philippe Etancelin M. Lehoux Bugatti T51

1931 French Grand Prix B3ewqVyC_t
#54 "W. Williams"-Arthur Duray "Williams" Bugatti T35C - DNS - drove car No. 42

1931 French Grand Prix B3ewqVyC_t
#56 Edoard Brisson-Jean Cattaneo E. H. Brisson Stutz - DNA - did not appear

1931 French Grand Prix WetVkpnh_t 1931 French Grand Prix FIlwHGCx_t 1931 French Grand Prix 8bPupyOT_t 1931 French Grand Prix OCEVis9a_t 1931 French Grand Prix 4rfaSAN7_t
#58 Rudolf Caracciola-Otto Merz R. Caracciola Mercedes-Benz SSKL

1931 French Grand Prix B3ewqVyC_t
#60 Roger O. Williams-Tim Rose-Richards W. B. Scott Delage 2LCV - DNA - did not appear


1931 French Grand Prix XPA0WN2A_t 1931 French Grand Prix SXXPe8v4_t

1931 French Grand Prix 0FfnmKJz_t 1931 French Grand Prix ExJeGVKW_t 1931 French Grand Prix Nfdj75GD_t 1931 French Grand Prix ViHPyJQZ_t 1931 French Grand Prix 7F2taFbo_t 1931 French Grand Prix QcuYDWzK_t 1931 French Grand Prix TCWT3OzX_t 1931 French Grand Prix GPXSs3S4_t


1931 French Grand Prix EmG0i8uu_t 1931 French Grand Prix GmLyLTKp_t 1931 French Grand Prix N4w76TXy_t
Motorsports Juillet 1931

1931 French Grand Prix PRx2fU64_t 1931 French Grand Prix JQADQEK7_t 1931 French Grand Prix V4IvtQ3A_t 1931 French Grand Prix K5PtzvG8_t 1931 French Grand Prix 0FVAtI6V_t 1931 French Grand Prix AOB7iIgI_t
The Motors Juillet 1931

1931 French Grand Prix INAg4bpV_t
Achille Varzi & Ettore Bugatti

1931 French Grand Prix Eo5Ya53o_t
Achille Varzi, Giuseppe Campari & Ettore Bugatti

1931 French Grand Prix EsovKdDB_t
Guy Bouriat & Albert Divo

1931 French Grand Prix KzUJDQtm_t 1931 French Grand Prix QY7VdDne_t 1931 French Grand Prix Hyhaf97r_t
Louis Chiron & Achille Varzi

1931 French Grand Prix 1mdXcFFB_t 1931 French Grand Prix XETkyczA_t
Louis Chiron, Achille Varzi, Ettore Bugatti And Giuseppe Campari

1931 French Grand Prix 2hGfzyOD_t
Louis Chiron

1931 French Grand Prix 0WVBzLgI_t 1931 French Grand Prix JNjmmIDA_t 1931 French Grand Prix DtRoKe87_t 1931 French Grand Prix NKjH4bAg_t 1931 French Grand Prix VSqELJBK_t 1931 French Grand Prix J8osoL0m_t 1931 French Grand Prix WryUwVGB_t 1931 French Grand Prix JEEusGtO_t 1931 French Grand Prix Dx2nkuPa_t 1931 French Grand Prix VYKE74GA_t 1931 French Grand Prix A8ZBS53q_t 1931 French Grand Prix PJY87SVB_t 1931 French Grand Prix BFtER658_t


1931 French Grand Prix 177
F1 Driver
F1 Driver

Messages : 984
Date d'inscription : 2017-10-24
Age : 63
Localisation : Au milieu du Beaujolais

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