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1923 French Grand Prix

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1923 French Grand Prix Empty 1923 French Grand Prix

Post by elmimidu69 Sun 30 Jul - 13:39

1923 French Grand Prix Mizsmp XVII Grand Prix de l'Automobile Club de France 1923 French Grand Prix Gamanx
Circuit de Tours, France

Nombre de tours: 35 Tours
Longueur du circuit: 22,830 kms
Distance de la course: 799,070 kms

2 juillet 1923

1923 French Grand Prix 124

1923 French Grand Prix NY9FquNm_t
Le parcours

1923 French Grand Prix 125


- Le Grand Prix de France 1923 organisé par l’ACF, s’est déroulé à Tours sur un circuit routier de plus de 22km à travers le communes de la Membrolles et de Semblancay.
A cette occasion, on voit pour la première fois sur les circuits, la Bugatti Type 32 dite « Le Tank ». Les futuristes Voisin C6 « Laboratoire » sont également de la partie et vont s’illustrer dans un duel féroce avec les Bugatti.
Le Grand Prix fut disputé par 17 concurrents : 6 étrangers et 11 français. On y trouvait, opposées à 4 Bugatti, une toute nouvelle Delage douze cylindres, 3 Sunbeam six cylindres, 2 Rolland-Pilain, 3 nouvelles Fiat huit cylindres et, pour la première fois en grand prix : 4 Voisin.
Cette course offrit un superbe duel entre les voitures Bugatti et Voisin, mais la victoire est revenue à la voiture du pilote britannique Segrave sur Sunbeam, tandis que le pilote Friedrich sur la Bugatti n°6, prenait une superbe troisième place, aprés que les trois autres Bugatti engagées aient abandonné sur accident ou ennuis mécaniques.

 - The 1923 French Grand Prix, organized by the ACF, took place in Tours on a road circuit of more than 22km through the municipalities of Membrolles and Semblancay.
On this occasion, we see for the first time on the circuits, the Bugatti Type 32 called "Le Tank". The futuristic Voisin C6 "Laboratory" are also in the game and will shine in a fierce duel with the Bugattis.
The Grand Prix was contested by 17 competitors: 6 foreigners and 11 French. There were, opposed to 4 Bugatti, a brand new twelve-cylinder Delage, 3 six-cylinder Sunbeam, 2 Rolland-Pilain, 3 new eight-cylinder Fiat and, for the first time in Grand Prix: 4 Voisin.
This race offered a superb duel between the Bugatti and Voisin cars, but the victory went to the car of the British driver Segrave on Sunbeam, while the driver Friedrich on the Bugatti n°6, took a superb third place, after the three other Bugatti entered have retired on accident or mechanical trouble.


1923 French Grand Prix T7g1BC5L_t




1923 French Grand Prix JV8PKUoE_t

1923 French Grand Prix JrwEuNx0_t1923 French Grand Prix 3PUoPWm9_t1923 French Grand Prix RjwoDKH3_t1923 French Grand Prix MgIWlRPE_t1923 French Grand Prix 6ab357ha_t
Team Bugatti
Team Fiat
Team Rolland Pilain
Team Sunbeam
Team Voisin

Les constructeurs

1923 French Grand Prix 127
Liste des engagés

1923 French Grand Prix LYd41CDr_t 1923 French Grand Prix YsW5qtTw_t 1923 French Grand Prix 34cRTk5B_t 1923 French Grand Prix EwS4vnXL_t 1923 French Grand Prix HZXNqvTu_t 1923 French Grand Prix NQfKci5v_t
René Thomas
Kenelm Lee Guinness
Albert Guyot
Pietro Bordino
Arthur Duray
Ernest Friderich
1923 French Grand Prix AHbpxRjp_t 1923 French Grand Prix FwUQSaDO_t 1923 French Grand Prix RIUORI9T_t 1923 French Grand Prix WMreNiym_t 1923 French Grand Prix QRb9bOa3_t 1923 French Grand Prix K6x2cKqt_t
Albert Divo
Enrico Giaccone
André Lefevre.
Pierre de Vizcaya
Henry Segrave
Victor Hemery
1923 French Grand Prix Fl1Yo3qL_t 1923 French Grand Prix IT7jLD23_t 1923 French Grand Prix YDsQBt1r_t 1923 French Grand Prix JE9fLUcO_t 1923 French Grand Prix TQpqicWS_t
Carlo Salamano
Henri Rougier
Pierre Marco
André Morel
Bertrand de Cystria

Les engagés


1923 French Grand Prix 9T48FL27_t 1923 French Grand Prix XrJgmevk_t 1923 French Grand Prix X4TgMtRN_t 1923 French Grand Prix T9JLyd2T_t


1923 French Grand Prix Ex97uiQ0_t 1923 French Grand Prix G9MSskSA_t 1923 French Grand Prix KTEVZh04_t 1923 French Grand Prix LsVIqXpW_t 1923 French Grand Prix VzjH3WWI_t 1923 French Grand Prix 8dGDoT3W_t 1923 French Grand Prix AWJrVBLb_t 1923 French Grand Prix DixWQASU_t 1923 French Grand Prix 4TjxoIwI_t 1923 French Grand Prix GkzEcaJl_t
#01 René Thomas - Automobiles Delage - Delage 2LCV

1923 French Grand Prix V5YkTLGY_t 1923 French Grand Prix Z9QjVffN_t 1923 French Grand Prix 3V3FhI4S_t 1923 French Grand Prix MvPjvI0w_t 1923 French Grand Prix UhOuSlnM_t 1923 French Grand Prix Rd57azLU_t 1923 French Grand Prix 9KoayEYK_t 1923 French Grand Prix GxVni0lg_t
#02 Kenelm Lee Guinness - Sunbeam - Sunbeam

1923 French Grand Prix IkFQWXEU_t 1923 French Grand Prix QBHKXort_t 1923 French Grand Prix KNbaY19v_t 1923 French Grand Prix CdLXiSw2_t 1923 French Grand Prix 1FU9gUU3_t 1923 French Grand Prix FqzsSn9k_t 1923 French Grand Prix H5mhpQ6n_t 1923 French Grand Prix UqCqKMVd_t 1923 French Grand Prix 1mBy2e69_t 1923 French Grand Prix ZOFvy7i7_t
#03 Albert Guyot - Rolland-Pilain - Rolland-Pilain A22

1923 French Grand Prix RhMNngqx_t 1923 French Grand Prix LZaBCuMu_t 1923 French Grand Prix WWi0hUXp_t
#04 Pietro Bordino - Fiat SpA - Fiat 805-405

1923 French Grand Prix IdKHeRBF_t 1923 French Grand Prix XAy2mm1L_t 1923 French Grand Prix QaNLBJ9o_t 1923 French Grand Prix W0h82Yta_t
#05 Arthur Duray - Voisin - Voisin Laboratoire

1923 French Grand Prix Ro8LdF1D_t 1923 French Grand Prix FXs4aDFs_t 1923 French Grand Prix O840k81V_t 1923 French Grand Prix 4MaqDJBI_t 1923 French Grand Prix OAMNmPdr_t 1923 French Grand Prix 68X6W6dw_t 1923 French Grand Prix 9UgN7Nur_t 1923 French Grand Prix MNBCkPrR_t 1923 French Grand Prix Ov3Xvhas_t 1923 French Grand Prix GKIjd9Jg_t 1923 French Grand Prix 4BLYAEQJ_t
#06 Ernest Friderich - Automobiles Ettore Bugatti - Bugatti T30

1923 French Grand Prix 8lO4rik7_t 1923 French Grand Prix Wr8CaoI7_t 1923 French Grand Prix MkEt2C1G_t 1923 French Grand Prix Dh1pjU3Q_t 1923 French Grand Prix 3saTU1Ln_t
#07 Albert Divo - Sunbeam - Sunbeam

#08 Jules Goux - Rolland-Pilain - Rolland-Pilain A22 (Did not start)

1923 French Grand Prix Viuvk8G1_t 1923 French Grand Prix ZBCP3M2H_t 1923 French Grand Prix KcAq3dqq_t
#09 Enrico Giaccone - Fiat SpA - Fiat 805-405

1923 French Grand Prix XRbnHV9W_t 1923 French Grand Prix WwGqOvrz_t 1923 French Grand Prix Dn8q8nNU_t 1923 French Grand Prix T3oDK9Eu_t
#10 André Lefevre - Voisin - Voisin Laboratoire

1923 French Grand Prix Q2bExWRM_t 1923 French Grand Prix Ub7EsdyN_t 1923 French Grand Prix BL2PaA4J_t 1923 French Grand Prix BceGWd8F_t 1923 French Grand Prix YEGKOXdf_t 1923 French Grand Prix LJq4Vnhi_t 1923 French Grand Prix Da3ULf3V_t 1923 French Grand Prix MJ57E7mj_t 1923 French Grand Prix SXcXAguI_t 1923 French Grand Prix 3LCkFk2R_t
#11 Pierre de Vizcaya - Automobiles Ettore Bugatti - Bugatti T30

1923 French Grand Prix 3crErql4_t 1923 French Grand Prix TrGd56Bf_t 1923 French Grand Prix VEop5wSU_t 1923 French Grand Prix XUy2GCsc_t 1923 French Grand Prix 6REu3Ejy_t 1923 French Grand Prix CXmVeLVC_t 1923 French Grand Prix QPSmkcl9_t 1923 French Grand Prix U1TaT0Uf_t 1923 French Grand Prix VL5TdOeh_t 1923 French Grand Prix 89XbTevi_t
#12 Henry Segrave - Sunbeam - Sunbeam

1923 French Grand Prix 7sdTVdIX_t 1923 French Grand Prix QgPYBY78_t 1923 French Grand Prix Zs8QNLMd_t 1923 French Grand Prix Wv2CHXLd_t 1923 French Grand Prix ZD7yyHB0_t
#13 Victor Hemery - Rolland-Pilain - Rolland-Pilain A22

1923 French Grand Prix SsZVjilw_t 1923 French Grand Prix Q5f8ugyJ_t 1923 French Grand Prix C6eSV1BA_t 1923 French Grand Prix QtpKTg7H_t
#14 Carlo Salamano - Fiat SpA - Fiat 805-405

1923 French Grand Prix EHs3IsQk_t 1923 French Grand Prix YcJIQTWB_t 1923 French Grand Prix ABDBtsQ0_t 1923 French Grand Prix H7Oq5M9l_t
#15 Henri Rougier - Voisin - Voisin Laboratoire

1923 French Grand Prix GfBIVJ2y_t 1923 French Grand Prix 1RfC3ylB_t 1923 French Grand Prix VPXvebo2_t 1923 French Grand Prix NV9B59li_t
#16 Pierre Marco - Automobiles Ettore Bugatti - Bugatti T30

1923 French Grand Prix PMLtDdBS_t 1923 French Grand Prix EUZCn26y_t 1923 French Grand Prix H9McgZE7_t 1923 French Grand Prix PGCUVYUE_t
#17 André Morel - Voisin - Voisin Laboratoire

1923 French Grand Prix 4pbysRaS_t 1923 French Grand Prix 5iiDILQn_t 1923 French Grand Prix UBEgCHlZ_t 1923 French Grand Prix LcNUx2VP_t 1923 French Grand Prix GkWp6wYA_t 1923 French Grand Prix HhDoQxzo_t
#18 Bertrand de Cystria - Automobiles Ettore Bugatti - Bugatti T30


1923 French Grand Prix Er7yuQfj_t
Henry Segrave et son mécanicien se rendant aux tribunes après la victoire
(Henry Segrave and his mechanic heading to the stands after victory)


1923 French Grand Prix 8ymEqmP0_t

1923 French Grand Prix DDUINcEH_t
Lucien Rolland & Emile Pilain, constructeurs

1923 French Grand Prix JkldKmaM_t 1923 French Grand Prix SN3DZ3F3_t 1923 French Grand Prix YUhz59Q5_t 1923 French Grand Prix JCbnXncE_t 1923 French Grand Prix PVwBvDgE_t 1923 French Grand Prix YVLGQGbF_t 1923 French Grand Prix DQkO2acS_t 1923 French Grand Prix 6b5M5Zz0_t 1923 French Grand Prix YEzGpRh9_t 1923 French Grand Prix RGZML41I_t


1923 French Grand Prix 9QvtbAbC_t 1923 French Grand Prix YEKWhzZh_t 1923 French Grand Prix ASqdMtyQ_t 1923 French Grand Prix MPzwK1BD_t 1923 French Grand Prix YAqPogdl_t 1923 French Grand Prix X9YtCYog_t 1923 French Grand Prix YULzyiGg_t 1923 French Grand Prix ZFSoDYjo_t
Cartes Postales


1923 French Grand Prix 129
F1 Driver
F1 Driver

Messages : 984
Date d'inscription : 2017-10-24
Age : 63
Localisation : Au milieu du Beaujolais

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1923 French Grand Prix Empty Re: 1923 French Grand Prix

Post by elmimidu69 Sun 30 Jul - 15:58

Grand Prix de tourisme de l'ACF
Circuit de Tours, France

Nombre de tours: 22 Tours
Longueur du circuit: 22.830 kms
Distance de la course: 502.260 kms

1 juillet 1923

1923 French Grand Prix TdA6N1iP_t 1923 French Grand Prix 7Ixqta9c_t

1923 French Grand Prix YY27b473_t 1923 French Grand Prix QpKSjd0g_t 1923 French Grand Prix 0qxpHg0m_t 1923 French Grand Prix 52D8o9Vh_t
#01 Lahms - Mathis - 400 kg

1923 French Grand Prix X6eE85VW_t 1923 French Grand Prix LFUG0NtL_t
#02 Louis Rigal - Ariès - Ariès - 400 kg

1923 French Grand Prix BrLaTI65_t 1923 French Grand Prix VhzOitX0_t 1923 French Grand Prix YtQO3LIP_t 1923 French Grand Prix NAb4LfoO_t
#03 Robert Sénéchal - Sénéchal - 400 kg

1923 French Grand Prix C2R2re76_t 1923 French Grand Prix ArzKzVgP_t
#04 Lucien Desvaux - Salmson - Salmson - 400 kg

1923 French Grand Prix GgHRy2AG_t
#05 ... Phrixus - 400 kg

1923 French Grand Prix NAfXqOiG_t 1923 French Grand Prix YNMP68g9_t
#06 Meyer - Mathis - 400 kg

1923 French Grand Prix 2EJvRDpa_t 1923 French Grand Prix UzP8mxg5_t
#07 Gabriel - Ariès - Ariès - 400 kg

1923 French Grand Prix Pua4QCZB_t
#08 Robert Benoist - Ariès - Ariès - 400 kg

1923 French Grand Prix T757XkEM_t 1923 French Grand Prix C5OigJBj_t
#09 Boecchi - Mathis - 400 kg

1923 French Grand Prix TBQsaWop_t
#10 Smith - Ariès - Ariès - 400 kg

1923 French Grand Prix 84zoWvmK_t
#11 André Lombard - Salmson - Salmson - 400 kg

1923 French Grand Prix JyHT2i0p_t 1923 French Grand Prix AXzd7b06_t
#13 Richard Gaudermann - Ariès - Ariès - 400 kg

1923 French Grand Prix GgHRy2AG_t
#14 Casse - Salmson - Salmson - 400 kg

1923 French Grand Prix XHsCBdk8_t 1923 French Grand Prix V5XRBIZk_t
#15 Benselin - Ariès - Ariès - 400 kg

1923 French Grand Prix 6FuXLMsh_t
#16 Meaux Saint Marc - Ariès - Ariès - 400 kg

1923 French Grand Prix Sn09hQzP_t 1923 French Grand Prix 1fxtFqB0_t
#17 Cabaillot - Peugeot - 15CV - Peugeot - 1000 kg

1923 French Grand Prix PTpGhXSr_t 1923 French Grand Prix 3v6OQsiH_t
#18 Louis Wagner - Ariès - Ariès - 1000 kg

1923 French Grand Prix FMs6VCsz_t 1923 French Grand Prix E41kkOvZ_t
#19 Buteau - Peugeot - 15CV - Peugeot - 1000 kg

1923 French Grand Prix PDtgjRdK_t 1923 French Grand Prix O6p0ELZX_t
#20 Giulio Foresti - Ariès - Ariès - 1000 kg

1923 French Grand Prix 0QoXKaNi_t
#21 Bouverot - Peugeot - 15CV - Peugeot - 1000 kg

1923 French Grand Prix GgHRy2AG_t
#22 ... Ariès - 1000 kg

1923 French Grand Prix 7lTyreUU_t 1923 French Grand Prix NwGarYM8_t 1923 French Grand Prix I9lrDDMY_t
#23 André Boillot - Peugeot - Type 174 - Peugeot - 1400 kg

1923 French Grand Prix GgHRy2AG_t
#24 Charles Flohot - Ariès - Ariès - 1400 kg

1923 French Grand Prix U1xq6UT3_t
#25 Alfred Morillon - Peugeot - Type 174 - Peugeot - 1400 kg

1923 French Grand Prix LL8hd8pm_t
#26 Eugène Morillon - Peugeot - Type 174 - Peugeot - 1400 kg


1923 French Grand Prix YSeMOJlI_t
Arrivée des trois Peugeot

1923 French Grand Prix NyBk9hrl_t
Eugène et Alfred Morillon

1923 French Grand Prix FaLZAAdK_t
Team Mathis
1923 French Grand Prix GRGl9dfc_t
 Team Peugeot 15cv
1923 French Grand Prix JPgsXkGx_t
Team Peugeot Type 174


1923 French Grand Prix 130
F1 Driver
F1 Driver

Messages : 984
Date d'inscription : 2017-10-24
Age : 63
Localisation : Au milieu du Beaujolais

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