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Tasman Series

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Tasman Series Empty Tasman Series

Post by Hulsebos Hans Mon 9 May - 19:00

Now I have finished the large uploads in the RbR sections for F1, European F5000 and the Aurora/British F1 series it's time for something new to work on (I will still update all the other sections of course)

I will try to form Race by Race sections for the Tasman Series. Starting with the years 1964-1970. Later I will also try my hand on the F5000 years (1971-1975)

1964 has been created and you will find it here: https://wookey.forumotion.com/t1733-1964-tasman-series

If anyone had pictures of Tasman races in the periods mentioned before please post in this section: https://wookey.forumotion.com/f18-australia-new-zealand-south-africa-monoplaces

Thank you all! Smile
Hulsebos Hans
Hulsebos Hans
World Champion
World Champion

Messages : 5232
Date d'inscription : 2015-10-13
Age : 62
Localisation : Mayrhofen - Austria

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