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Lotus 72 - Grand Prix Icon

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Lotus 72 - Grand Prix Icon Empty Lotus 72 - Grand Prix Icon

Post by Rob Ryder Mon 26 Aug - 9:40

If you are looking for an early Christmas gift for yourself, or just a treat, I can thoroughly recommend this - 'Lotus 72 - Grand Prix icon'.
It is a 2 disc DVD set running for over 4 hours, with many unseen films, interviews with drivers, mechanics and others involved with the Team Lotus.
It was produced by TNF member Gary Critcher and is a personal 'labour of love', not a Corporate re-run/rehash of stock old stuff.

It can be purchased from www.lotus72dvd.com, so get out your credit card (or PayPal) and enjoy yourself!
P.S. I should have said... Gary ships worldwide.
Rob Ryder
Rob Ryder
World Champion
World Champion

Messages : 21217
Date d'inscription : 2014-09-29
Age : 73
Localisation : Teesside, Britain

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