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1962 International Championship for Makes

Rob Ryder
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 1962 International Championship for Makes Empty 1962 International Championship for Makes

Post by africano Fri 18 Jan - 13:25

1962 3 hours of Daytona Part One.

 1962 International Championship for Makes 62day00-Cartel

 1962 International Championship for Makes 62day00-Ambiance

#01 Phil Hill-Ricardo Rodriguez Ferrari Dino 246 SP.
 1962 International Championship for Makes 62day01-F-Dino246-SP-P-Hill-R-Rodriguez-1 1962 International Championship for Makes 62day01-F-Dino246-SP-P-Hill-R-Rodriguez-3 1962 International Championship for Makes 62day01-F-Dino246-SP-P-Hill-R-Rodriguez-2 1962 International Championship for Makes 62day01-F-Dino246-SP-P-Hill-R-Rodriguez

#06 Peter da Costa Porsche 718 RS/61.
 1962 International Championship for Makes 62day06-P718-RS61-P-da-Costa

#07 Innes Ireland Ferrari 250GT SWB.
 1962 International Championship for Makes 62day07-F250-SWB-I-Irelandl

#09 John Fulp-Skip Hudson Ferrari Dino 246 S.
 1962 International Championship for Makes 62day09-F-Dino246-SP-J-Fulp-S-Hudson

#10 Don Yenko Chevy-Corvette C1.
 1962 International Championship for Makes 62day10-Cor-C1-D-Yenko 1962 International Championship for Makes 62day10-Cor-C1-D-Yenko-2 1962 International Championship for Makes 62day10-Cor-C1-D-Yenko-1

#11 Dick Thompson Chevy-Corvette C1.
 1962 International Championship for Makes 62day11-Cor-C1-D-Thompson-1 1962 International Championship for Makes 62day11-Cor-C1-D-Thompson

#16 Chuck Cassel Porsche 718 RS/60.
 1962 International Championship for Makes 62day16-P718-C-Cassel 1962 International Championship for Makes 62day16-P718-C-Cassel-1

#18 Stirling Moss Ferrari 250GT SWB.
 1962 International Championship for Makes 62day18-F250-SWB-Exp-S-Moss-1 1962 International Championship for Makes 62day18-F250-SWB-Exp-S-Moss-2 1962 International Championship for Makes 62day18-F250-SWB-Exp-S-Moss 1962 International Championship for Makes 62day18-F250-SWB-Exp-S-Moss-3

#20 Marvin Panch Chevy-Corvette C1.
 1962 International Championship for Makes 62day20-Cor-C1-M-Panch

#21 Rodger Ward Pontiac tempest.
 1962 International Championship for Makes 62day21-Pontiac-J-Ward 1962 International Championship for Makes 62day21-Pontiac-J-Ward-1

#22 Fireball Roberts Ferrari 250GT SWB.
 1962 International Championship for Makes 62day22-F250-SWB-G-Fireball

#23 Robert Donner Porsche 718 RS/61.
 1962 International Championship for Makes 62day23-P718-B-Donner

To be continued.
Grand Prix Winner
Grand Prix Winner

Messages : 1656
Date d'inscription : 2018-07-09

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 1962 International Championship for Makes Empty Re: 1962 International Championship for Makes

Post by africano Sat 19 Jan - 9:48

Part Two.

#25 Dave Morgan Chevy-Corvette C1.
 1962 International Championship for Makes 62day25-Cor-C1-D-Morgan

#28 Olivier Gendebien Ferrari 250 GT SWB.
 1962 International Championship for Makes 62day28-F250-GTSWB-OGendebien

#29 Jeff Stevens Chevy-Corvette C1.
 1962 International Championship for Makes 62day29-Cor-C1-J-Stevens

#30 Jim Clark Lotus Elite.
 1962 International Championship for Makes 62day30-L-Elite-J-Clark

#32 David Hobbs Jaguar E-Type.
 1962 International Championship for Makes 62day32-Jag-EType-DHobbs

#35 Skip Hudson Chevy-Corvette C1.
 1962 International Championship for Makes 62day35-Cor-C1-SHudson

#44 Pat Corrigan Porsche 356B 1600.
 1962 International Championship for Makes 62day44-P356-B-P-Corrigan

#46 Roger Penske Cooper T57-Climax 2500.
 1962 International Championship for Makes 62day46-Cooper-T57-R-Penske-1 1962 International Championship for Makes 62day46-Cooper-T57-R-Penske

#49 George Constantine Ferrari 250 TR59/60.
 1962 International Championship for Makes 62day49-F250-TR-E-Constantine

#50 Ricardo Rodriguez Ferrari 250 TRI/61.
 1962 International Championship for Makes 62day50-F250-TRI-61-R-Rodriguez

#53 Anthony Joseph Foyt Pontiac Tempest.
 1962 International Championship for Makes 62day53-Pontiac-Tempest-AJFoyt

#66 Jim Hall Chaparral MKI-Chevy 5227.
 1962 International Championship for Makes 62day66-Chap-MKI-J-Hall

#75 Jack Knab Chevy-Corvette C1.
 1962 International Championship for Makes 62day75-Cor-C1-J-Knab

#77 Doug Thiem Ferrari 250GT SWB.
 1962 International Championship for Makes 62day77-F250-SWB-D-Thieml

#82 Paul Richards Alfa Romeo Giulietta Sprint Zagato.
 1962 International Championship for Makes 62day82-AR-P-Richards 1962 International Championship for Makes 62day82-AR-P-Richards-1

#83 Charlie Kolb Alfa Romeo Giulietta Sprint Zagato.
 1962 International Championship for Makes 62day83-AR-C-Kolb-1 1962 International Championship for Makes 62day83-AR-C-Kolb

#96 Dan Gurney Lotus Monte-Carlo Climax 2500.
 1962 International Championship for Makes 62day96-L19-MC-D-Gurney-5 1962 International Championship for Makes 62day96-L19-MC-D-Gurney-6 1962 International Championship for Makes 62day96-L19-MC-D-Gurney-4

#99 Herb Swan Porsche 718 RS/61.
 1962 International Championship for Makes 62day99-P718-RS61-HSwan

Last edited by africano on Sun 20 Jan - 17:45; edited 1 time in total
Grand Prix Winner
Grand Prix Winner

Messages : 1656
Date d'inscription : 2018-07-09

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 1962 International Championship for Makes Empty Re: 1962 International Championship for Makes

Post by Rob Ryder Sat 19 Jan - 10:33

1962 Daytona 3hrs - Additions (Part 1)

 1962 International Championship for Makes 4biihd #0 Chaparral 1 Chevrolet Dick Rathmann & Harry Heuer

 1962 International Championship for Makes OhiyAu #1 Ferrari 246 SP Phil Hill & Ricardo Rodriguez

 1962 International Championship for Makes 5kKZUM #4 Ferrari 250 TR58 Spencer Lichtie

 1962 International Championship for Makes R14K3j  1962 International Championship for Makes JATEgP #8 Costin-Lister Chevrolet Joe Weatherly

 1962 International Championship for Makes CNyFmp #10 Chevrolet Corvette Don Yenko

 1962 International Championship for Makes AHBa6t #14 Porsche 718 RSK Bob Holbert

 1962 International Championship for Makes 0H9dfw #28 Ferrari 250 GT Olivier Gendebien

 1962 International Championship for Makes IDMS94  1962 International Championship for Makes BkQc7n  1962 International Championship for Makes ZdE3lW #46 Cooper T57 Monaco Climax Roger Penske

 1962 International Championship for Makes Du0Two  1962 International Championship for Makes OIdgDZ #66 Chaparral 1 Chevrolet Jim Hall

 1962 International Championship for Makes GiUANg  1962 International Championship for Makes HHqFfC #96 Lotus 19 Monte Carlo Climax Dan Gurney

 1962 International Championship for Makes T842gt  1962 International Championship for Makes RKxt9j Podium 1-Dan Gurney GT-Stirling Moss
Rob Ryder
Rob Ryder
World Champion
World Champion

Messages : 21217
Date d'inscription : 2014-09-29
Age : 73
Localisation : Teesside, Britain

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 1962 International Championship for Makes Empty Re: 1962 International Championship for Makes

Post by africano Sun 20 Jan - 10:39

Thank you so much Rob..... Wink Wink Wink
Grand Prix Winner
Grand Prix Winner

Messages : 1656
Date d'inscription : 2018-07-09

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 1962 International Championship for Makes Empty Re: 1962 International Championship for Makes

Post by africano Sun 20 Jan - 11:13

1962 12 hours of Sebring. Part one

 1962 International Championship for Makes 62-Seb00-Cartel

Stirling Moss-Steve MCQueen.
 1962 International Championship for Makes 62seb00-Moss-Mc-Queen

 1962 International Championship for Makes 62-Seb02-Cor-C1-D-Black-MRJ-Wyllie
 1962 International Championship for Makes 62seb00-Start-1 1962 International Championship for Makes 62seb00-Start

#01 Don yenko-Ed Lowther Chevy-Corvette C1.
 1962 International Championship for Makes 62-Seb01-Cor-C1-DYenko-ELowther-2 1962 International Championship for Makes 62-Seb01-Cor-C1-DYenko-ELowther-1 1962 International Championship for Makes 62-Seb01-Cor-C1-DYenko-ELowther

#02 Duncan Black-M.R.J Wyllie Chevy-Corvette C1.
 1962 International Championship for Makes 62-Seb02-Cor-C1-D-Black-MRJ-Wyllie-1 1962 International Championship for Makes 62-Seb02-Cor-C1-D-Black-MRJ-Wyllie-2 1962 International Championship for Makes 62-Seb02-Cor-C1-D-Black-MRJ-Wyllie-3

#04 Delmo Johnson-Dave Morgan Chevy-Corvette C1.
 1962 International Championship for Makes 62-Seb04-Cor-C1-DJohnson-DMorgan-1 1962 International Championship for Makes 62-Seb04-Cor-C1-DJohnson-DMorgan

#05 Pat Pigott-Jerry Grant Chevy-Corvette C1.
 1962 International Championship for Makes 62-Seb05-Cor-C1-P-Pigott-J 1962 International Championship for Makes 62-Seb05-Cor-C1-P-Pigott-J-1

#09 Marvin Panch-Jocko Maggiacomo Ford Falcon.
 1962 International Championship for Makes 62-Seb09-Falcon-MPanch-JMaggiacomo-2 1962 International Championship for Makes 62-Seb09-Falcon-MPanch-JMaggiacomo-1 1962 International Championship for Makes 62-Seb09-Falcon-MPanch-JMaggiacomo

#10 Hab Sharp-Jim Hall Chaparral MKI-Chevy 4000.
 1962 International Championship for Makes 62-Seb10-Chaparral-MKI-HSharp-JHall-1 1962 International Championship for Makes 62-Seb10-Chaparral-MKI-HSharp-JHall-2 1962 International Championship for Makes 62-Seb10-Chaparral-MKI-HSharp-JHall

#11 Chuck Hall-Chuck Daigh Chaparral MKI-Chevy 4000.
 1962 International Championship for Makes 62-Seb11-Chaparral-MKI-CHall-CDaigh-3 1962 International Championship for Makes 62-Seb11-Chaparral-MKI-CHall-CDaigh-1 1962 International Championship for Makes 62-Seb11-Chaparral-MKI-CHall-CDaigh 1962 International Championship for Makes 62-Seb11-Chaparral-MKI-CHall-CDaigh-2

To be Continued.
Grand Prix Winner
Grand Prix Winner

Messages : 1656
Date d'inscription : 2018-07-09

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 1962 International Championship for Makes Empty Re: 1962 International Championship for Makes

Post by africano Sun 20 Jan - 18:31

Part two.

#14 Briggs Cunninghams-John Fitch Jaguar E-Type.
 1962 International Championship for Makes 62-Seb14-Jag-EType-BCunninghams-JFitch

#15 John & Webster Todd Warwick GT 350-Buick 3500.
 1962 International Championship for Makes 62-Seb15-Warwick-Buick-J-WTodd

#20 George Constantine-Gaston Andrey Ferrari 250TRI 59/60.
 1962 International Championship for Makes 62-Seb20-F250-TRI-59-60-GConstantine-GAndrey

#21 Bruce McLaren-Roger Penske Cooper Monaco T57-Maserati 2953.
 1962 International Championship for Makes 62-Seb21-T57-BMc-Laren-RPenske 1962 International Championship for Makes 62-Seb21-T57-BMc-Laren-RPenske-1

#22 Fernand Tavano-Colin Davis Ferrari 250 GT .
 1962 International Championship for Makes 62-Seb22-F250-SWB-FTavano-CDavis-3 1962 International Championship for Makes 62-Seb22-F250-SWB-FTavano-CDavis-2 1962 International Championship for Makes 62-Seb22-F250-SWB-FTavano-CDavis-1 1962 International Championship for Makes 62-Seb22-F250-SWB-FTavano-CDavis

#23 Jo Bonnier-Lucien Bianchi Ferrari 250 TRI/61.
 1962 International Championship for Makes 62-Seb23-F250-TRI-61-JBonnier-LBianchi-6 1962 International Championship for Makes 62-Seb23-F250-TRI-61-JBonnier-LBianchi-1 1962 International Championship for Makes 62-Seb23-F250-TRI-61-JBonnier-LBianchi-3 1962 International Championship for Makes 62-Seb23-F250-TRI-61-JBonnier-LBianchi-5 1962 International Championship for Makes 62-Seb23-F250-TRI-61-JBonnier-LBianchi-4

#24 Phil Hill-O.Gendebien Ferrari 250GTO.
 1962 International Championship for Makes 62-Seb24-F250-GTO-PHill-OGendebien-3 1962 International Championship for Makes 62-Seb24-F250-GTO-PHill-OGendebien-1 1962 International Championship for Makes 62-Seb24-F250-GTO-PHill-OGendebien-2 1962 International Championship for Makes 62-Seb24-F250-GTO-PHill-OGendebien

#25 Fabrizio Serena-Sterling Hamill Ferrari 250GT SWB.
 1962 International Championship for Makes 62-Seb25-F250-GT-SWB-F-Serena-S-Hamill

#26 Stirling Moss-Innes Ireland Ferrari 250 TRI/61.
 1962 International Championship for Makes 62-Seb26-IF250-TRI-61-Ireland-SMoss-2 1962 International Championship for Makes 62-Seb26-IF250-TRI-61-Ireland-SMoss-1 1962 International Championship for Makes 62-Seb26-IF250-TRI-61-Ireland-SMoss

#27 Charlie Hayes-Carl Hass-Chuck Dietrich Ferrari 250GT SWB.
 1962 International Championship for Makes 62-Seb27-F250-SWB-CHayes-CHass-CDietrich

#28 Ed Hugus-George Reed Ferrari 250GT SWB Experimentale.
 1962 International Championship for Makes 62-Seb28-F250-SWB-EHugus-GReed 1962 International Championship for Makes 62-Seb28-F250-SWB-EHugus-GReed-1

#30 Nino Vaccarella-Carlo.Maria Abate Maserati Tipo 64 V12 3000.
 1962 International Championship for Makes 62-Seb30-M63-N-Vaccarella-C-M-Abate 1962 International Championship for Makes 62-Seb30-M63-N-Vaccarella

#32 Walt Hanseng-Dick Thompson Maserati Tipo 64 V12 2985.
 1962 International Championship for Makes 62-Seb32-M64-W-hanseng-D-Thompson

#33 Enus Wilson-Ernest Grimm Maserati tipo 61.
 1962 International Championship for Makes 62-Seb33-M61-E-Wilson-E-Grimm
Grand Prix Winner
Grand Prix Winner

Messages : 1656
Date d'inscription : 2018-07-09

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 1962 International Championship for Makes Empty Re: 1962 International Championship for Makes

Post by africano Sun 20 Jan - 18:53

Part Three.

#34 Pedro & Ricardo Rodriguez Ferrari Dino 246 SP.
 1962 International Championship for Makes 62-Seb34-F246-S-P-RRodriguez-2 1962 International Championship for Makes 62-Seb34-F246-S-P-RRodriguez-3 1962 International Championship for Makes 62-Seb34-F246-S-P-RRodriguez-1 1962 International Championship for Makes 62-Seb34-F246-S-P-RRodriguez

#35 Bob Grossman-Alan Connell-Ricardo Rodriguez Ferrari Dino 246S.
 1962 International Championship for Makes 62-Seb35-F246-S-BGrossman-AConnell-3 1962 International Championship for Makes 62-Seb35-F246-S-BGrossman-AConnell-2 1962 International Championship for Makes 62-Seb35-F246-S-BGrossman-AConnell 1962 International Championship for Makes 62-Seb35-F246-S-BGrossman-AConnell-1

#36 Peter Ryan-John Fulp Ferrari Dino 248 SP.
 1962 International Championship for Makes 62-Seb36-F248-S-PRyan-JFulp 1962 International Championship for Makes 62-Seb36-F248-S-PRyan-JFulp-1

#39 Al Rogers-James Bailey Morgan Plus4 Super Sports.
 1962 International Championship for Makes 62-Seb39-Morgan-A-Rogers-J-Bailey 1962 International Championship for Makes 62Seb39Morgan_A.Rogers-J.Bailey_1

#40 Dave & Bob Kingham AC-Bristol 1971cc.
 1962 International Championship for Makes 62-Seb40-ACbristol-D-BKingham

#42 Ken Miles-Lew Spencer Sunbeam Alpine.
 1962 International Championship for Makes 62-Seb42-SAlpine-KMiles-LSpencer

#43 Joe Sheppard-Tom payne-Lew Spencer Sunbeam Alpine.
 1962 International Championship for Makes 62-Seb43-SAlpine-JSheppard-TPayne
Grand Prix Winner
Grand Prix Winner

Messages : 1656
Date d'inscription : 2018-07-09

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 1962 International Championship for Makes Empty Re: 1962 International Championship for Makes

Post by africano Sun 20 Jan - 19:24

Part Four.

#45 Bob Donner-Don Sesslar Porsche 718 RSK/60.
 1962 International Championship for Makes 62-Seb45-P718-RS60-BDonner-DSessler

#46 Ludwig Heimrath-Jerry Polivka Porsche 718 RSK.
 1962 International Championship for Makes 62-Seb46-P718-RSK-LHeimrat-JPalivka

#48 Dan Gurney-Bob Holbert Porsche 356B Carrera Abarth GTL.
 1962 International Championship for Makes 62-Seb48-P356-BAbarth-BHolbert-DGurney-1 1962 International Championship for Makes 62-Seb48-P356-BAbarth-BHolbert-DGurney

#49 Edgar Barth-Paul.Ernst Strähle Porsche 356B Carrera Abarth GTL.
 1962 International Championship for Makes 62-Seb49-P356-BAbarth-EBarth-PEStahle

#51 Jack Flagerty-Jim Parkinson MG A.
 1962 International Championship for Makes 62-Seb51-MGA-JFlaherty-Parkinson-2 1962 International Championship for Makes 62-Seb51-MGA-JFlaherty-Parkinson-1 1962 International Championship for Makes 62-Seb51-MGA-JFlaherty-Parkinson-4 1962 International Championship for Makes 62-Seb51-MGA-JFlaherty-Parkinson

#52 Andrew Hedges-Jack Sears MG A.
 1962 International Championship for Makes 62-Seb52-MGA-AHedges-JSears

#53 Bob Olthoff-John Withmore MG A.
 1962 International Championship for Makes 62-Seb53-MGA-JWithmore-BOlthoff-FMorril-1 1962 International Championship for Makes 62-Seb53-MGA-JWithmore-BOlthoff-FMorril

#59 Bill Wuesthoff-Franck Rand-Bruce Jennings Porsche 718 RS/60.
 1962 International Championship for Makes 62-Seb59-P718-RS60-BWuesthoff-FRand-BJennings

#60 Massimo Leto di Priolo-Carlo Facetti Alfa Romeo Giulietta Sprint Zagato.
 1962 International Championship for Makes 62-Seb60-ARSV-MLetodi-Priolo-CFacetti

#68 Newton Davis-Peter Pulver Lotus Elite.
 1962 International Championship for Makes 62-Seb68-L-Elite-N-Davis-P-Pulver

#73 Art Tweedale-Ben Warren-Alan Ross Elva MKVI-Climax 1100.
 1962 International Championship for Makes 62-Seb73-Elva-MKVI-ARoss-BWarren 1962 International Championship for Makes 62-Seb73-Elva-MKVI-ARoss-BWarren-1

#74 Victor Merino-Rafael Rosales Elva MKVI-Climax 1100.
 1962 International Championship for Makes 62-Seb74-Elva-MKVI-VMerino-RRosales

#76 Jean Guichet-Alfonso Thiele Abarth-Fiat 850S.
 1962 International Championship for Makes 62-Seb76-Abarth850-S-JGuichet-AThiele

#77 Denise McCluggage-Allen Eager Osca 1000S.
 1962 International Championship for Makes 62-Seb77-Osca-S1000-DMc-Cluggage-AEager-2 1962 International Championship for Makes 62-Seb77-Osca-S1000-DMc-Cluggage-AEager 1962 International Championship for Makes 62-Seb77-Osca-S1000-DMc-Cluggage-AEager-1
Grand Prix Winner
Grand Prix Winner

Messages : 1656
Date d'inscription : 2018-07-09

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 1962 International Championship for Makes Empty Re: 1962 International Championship for Makes

Post by Rob Ryder Mon 21 Jan - 9:20

1962 Sebring 12hrs - Additions (Part 1)

 1962 International Championship for Makes SdjNqW  1962 International Championship for Makes GOR0qt  1962 International Championship for Makes ZyaPRa Start

 1962 International Championship for Makes CpBcaM  1962 International Championship for Makes Tadj3G #1 Chevrolet Corvette Don Yenko & Ed Lowther

 1962 International Championship for Makes N1whXs  1962 International Championship for Makes 5hB2YX #3 Chevrolet Corvette Johnny Allen & George Robertson Jr

 1962 International Championship for Makes DPc3zm #4 Chevrolet Corvette Delmo Johnson & David Morgan

 1962 International Championship for Makes HHTLdO #5 Chevrolet Corvette Pat Pigott & Jerry Grant

 1962 International Championship for Makes Tv2Kw6 #6 Chevrolet Corvette Rodger Ward & Bob Johnson

 1962 International Championship for Makes Hq5d9g #7 Chevrolet Corvette Bill Fuller & Harry Washburn

 1962 International Championship for Makes Pbgav2 #10 Chaparral 1 Chevrolet Ronnie Hissom & Hap Sharp & Jim Hall & Chuck Daigh
Rob Ryder
Rob Ryder
World Champion
World Champion

Messages : 21217
Date d'inscription : 2014-09-29
Age : 73
Localisation : Teesside, Britain

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 1962 International Championship for Makes Empty Re: 1962 International Championship for Makes

Post by Rob Ryder Mon 21 Jan - 9:21

1962 Sebring 12hrs - Additions (Part 2)

 1962 International Championship for Makes 9y8qcf  1962 International Championship for Makes 33nwrb #11 Chaparral 1 Chevrolet Chuck Hall & Chuck Daigh & Ronnie Hissom

 1962 International Championship for Makes RkLDRG #14 Jaguar E-type Briggs Cunningham & John Fitch

 1962 International Championship for Makes GMSC7J  1962 International Championship for Makes CBb1Ib #15 Warwick Special GT John R Todd & Webster Todd

 1962 International Championship for Makes MSZEDv #20 Ferrari 250 TR59-60 George Constantine & Gaston Andrey

 1962 International Championship for Makes LGD3an  1962 International Championship for Makes SxfSQB  1962 International Championship for Makes UvZICH #21 Cooper T61 Monaco Maserati Bruce McLaren & Roger Penske

 1962 International Championship for Makes QF26BQ #22 Ferrari 250 GT Fernand Tavano & Colin Davis

 1962 International Championship for Makes E1W1AO  1962 International Championship for Makes Wb0Z9j  1962 International Championship for Makes B0gwMf #23 Ferrari 250 TRI-61 Jo Bonnier & Lucien Bianchi

 1962 International Championship for Makes OZwqiI #25 Ferrari 250 GT Fabrizio Serena di Lapigio & George Hamill
Rob Ryder
Rob Ryder
World Champion
World Champion

Messages : 21217
Date d'inscription : 2014-09-29
Age : 73
Localisation : Teesside, Britain

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 1962 International Championship for Makes Empty Re: 1962 International Championship for Makes

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