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La collezionista dei Sogni - The dream Collector

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La collezionista dei Sogni - The dream Collector Empty La collezionista dei Sogni - The dream Collector

Post by De Lacrowe Fri 10 Jan - 16:53

La collezionista dei Sogni - The dream Collector De_lac58

Come with me into my micro world of 9 seasons that have made the Ferrari team a history lived between races and works of art

La collezionista dei Sogni - The dream Collector De_lac59

If I had owned these models that range from 1970 to 1979 when I was a child I would certainly have been the luckiest child in the neighborhood.
The dreams of owning all this only come true in adulthood but this is not a big problem because I think that in my blood also flows a little bit of engine coolant

La collezionista dei Sogni - The dream Collector De_lac60

La collezionista dei Sogni - The dream Collector De_lac61

1970 opens with Clay Regazzoni and his car with Firestone tyres and Shell fuel, while as for the wing group... well there is still a lot to do

La collezionista dei Sogni - The dream Collector De_lac63

La collezionista dei Sogni - The dream Collector De_lac62

La collezionista dei Sogni - The dream Collector De_lac68

1974 opens with Clay Regazzoni starting to see the checkered flag more frequently

La collezionista dei Sogni - The dream Collector De_lac64

La collezionista dei Sogni - The dream Collector De_lac67

1975 opens with Niki Lauda leading the team to the drivers' world championship, his first and unforgettable world championship.

La collezionista dei Sogni - The dream Collector De_lac65

La collezionista dei Sogni - The dream Collector De_lac66

La collezionista dei Sogni - The dream Collector De_lac69

1977 opened with Niki Lauda who, before leaving the Ferrari team, won his second world championship, the one he had lost the previous year.

La collezionista dei Sogni - The dream Collector De_lac70

1978 starts with the arrival of the most acrobatic pilot ever, Gilles the little aviator as old Drake called him.

La collezionista dei Sogni - The dream Collector De_lac71

La collezionista dei Sogni - The dream Collector De_lac72

1979 was still going well for Ferrari, and despite not having created a true wingcar, this model established itself and put on a show in some Grand Prix including France and Holland.

La collezionista dei Sogni - The dream Collector De_lac73

La collezionista dei Sogni - The dream Collector De_lac74

All lined up as if they were ready to go, colouring my sporting world for a day
De Lacrowe
De Lacrowe
Grand Prix Winner
Grand Prix Winner

Messages : 1031
Date d'inscription : 2015-01-14
Localisation : Italy

pitufo, villeneuve27, Robert Blaschke, Konstantin and Leonardo Frota like this post

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La collezionista dei Sogni - The dream Collector Empty Re: La collezionista dei Sogni - The dream Collector

Post by Leonardo Frota Sat 11 Jan - 20:48

Nice Collection! All modes are Polistil 1/16?
Leonardo Frota
Leonardo Frota
Pedal Kart driver
Pedal Kart driver

Messages : 7
Date d'inscription : 2024-12-22

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La collezionista dei Sogni - The dream Collector Empty Re: La collezionista dei Sogni - The dream Collector

Post by De Lacrowe Sun 12 Jan - 10:31

La collezionista dei Sogni - The dream Collector De_lac75

No Polistil, they are 1/24 models
De Lacrowe
De Lacrowe
Grand Prix Winner
Grand Prix Winner

Messages : 1031
Date d'inscription : 2015-01-14
Localisation : Italy

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